Author: Vikas Ojha

Vikas Kumar Ojha is a Deep Learning Engineer at DataToBiz. He is also an AI enthusiast who loves to learn and explore new things. He loves to apply Machine Learning to solve real-world problems. He is very keen on explaining his findings through articles on platforms such as Medium thereby helping people to learn new and complicated concepts.

Optimizing the T5 Model for Fast Inference

Model deployment is the most important aspect of developing a machine learning product. The development of every product starts with an idea and then we check if it’s feasible or not. Once we are sure that it is feasible we gather the data and start developing a model for it. During the model development, we

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How to Create Automated Information Extraction System for Document Images Using Graph Convolutional Networks

As everything is getting digital the demand for machine-based document digitization is growing higher than ever. Every organization wants its documents to be digitized as digital documents are easy to search. Maintaining hard copies of documents is both an expensive and tedious process. Also, these documents become unreadable after some years due to the fact

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Scaling Up Deep Learning Model Serving Using OpenCV

According to one research, 80% of the models built by data scientists never make it to production. The reason for this is that the production environment has several constraints. It could be inference time or it could be hardware in some cases. Hence, to make the model ready for production, we need to first think

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