How to Scale Your Startup With Managed Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the process of collecting, storing, and analyzing large datasets to derive actionable insights in real-time. Here, we’ll discuss the role of managed data analytics in scaling a startup and the benefits of adopting the data-driven model for decision-making. Startups usually begin on a small scale and expand over the years. However, scaling a startup is easier said than done. As per a study by the Kauffman Foundation, just one startup in every ten scales is successful. That’s when startups are worth $1215 billion in 2024, and the value of unicorns around the globe is estimated to be $4.3 trillion.  So how do you scale your startup and ensure success in 2024 and beyond?  Managed data analytics and artificial intelligence are the answers. Startups need to be proactive and take advantage of the data and technologies available in the market to establish themselves. Instead of following conventions and orthodox business models, startups should adopt data-driven models and advanced tools (cloud solutions, AI, ML, etc.) to reduce the risk of failure. Fortunately, plenty of third-party companies offer onshore, near-shore, and offshore managed analytics services tailored to suit the business requirements.  In this blog, we’ll read more about how to successfully scale a startup by investing in data analytics and the benefits of using managed analytics in a new business. How do You Scale up Your Startup?  Scaling a business is the process of growing or expanding the operations, products and services, market share, customer base, and returns. Startups scale to invite more customers which brings higher revenue and creates a brand image in the market. However, scalability can be limited to one or specific avenues as well. Not every startup scales all aspects together.  Typically, you can scale a startup in any of the following ways:  What is an example of a Scalable Startup? Is Managed Data Analytics Involved? Facebook, Twitter (now X), and Amazon are great examples of a scalable startup. These started as small companies run by the entrepreneur and a couple of friends or team members. Over the years, Amazon has become the number one international marketplace and Facebook is one of the tech giants. They heavily invested in business analytics (gradually) to make decisions backed by data and insights. This allowed them to quickly adapt to the changing market conditions and gain a competitive edge. How do Startups Use Managed Data Analytics? Startups cannot underestimate the importance of data analytics in modern times. From streamlining internal processes to increasing customer satisfaction, analytics can be helpful in several ways. It converts raw data from multiple sources into actionable insights that employees can access to complete daily tasks more effectively.  Understand Target Markets  Startups don’t have the luxury of taking major risks or investing all the money into a project without basic research. Nine out of ten startups fail and shut shop in less than a decade. This can be due to lack of funds, incorrect investments, wrong decisions, etc. Understanding the target market conditions can reduce the risk of losses and keep the business afloat. For this, you can rely on data analytics to process the datasets related to the market and derive meaningful insights. Third-party companies offer managed analytics solutions and embedded analytics to provide real-time insights whenever you need them.  Analyze Customer Behavior  Customer feedback is vital for every business, and startups need it more than ever. However, you cannot afford to spend your time and resources on manually analyzing this feedback. Data analytics simplifies the process by using powerful tools and sharing the reports through data visualization dashboards. Platforms like Power BI, Tableau, etc., are popular data analytics tools that can be integrated with various input and output systems to provide insights 24*7.  Evaluate Competitors  How else do startups use data analytics to grow their business? Managed data analytics is not limited to analyzing the internal aspects of a business. You can use public data to determine who your competitors are and how they are faring in the market. This helps in identifying weak areas in your startup and strengthening them to survive the competition. Similarly, you can track the performance of your competitors and identify growth patterns to plan your strategies accordingly.  Improve Products and Services  Startups face severe competition from existing and new businesses. This means you have to continuously tweak your products and services to increase sales and bring more customers. Data analytics helps by highlighting the purchase patterns and preferences for your offerings and in the market. It provides information about what customers like and how you can improve your products and services to generate more sales or get the desired number of subscriptions.  Streamline Internal Operations  As a startup, you don’t have access to unlimited funds. You need to make some strict decisions about where to invest, what to prioritize, etc. In such instances, managed data analytics can help by identifying processes or steps that consume excess resources but are not necessary for the business. You can shorten the cycles, automate recurring tasks, and trim areas without compromising quality. It also helps in negotiating better deals with suppliers, storing your inventory carefully to reduce wastage, increasing or decreasing production/ procurement to align with the market demand, etc.  Increase Conversion Rate  Marketing is another area where data management services and analytics can help your startup. A new business has to invest in offline and online marketing campaigns to reach the target audience. Generating leads is one aspect, and converting them into sales is another. Startups tend to have a hard time converting leads to sales. Data analytics can be used to create a marketing strategy that suits customer preferences. Identifying the right kind of audience and sending the right message to the right customer at the right time through the right channel is possible when you use data analytics.  Identify More Avenues for Revenue  Revenue cycle analytics gives startups in the healthcare and finance industries a clear idea to streamline their revenue generation avenues. It tracks every step

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Startup Fundamentals Checklist : 11 Essentials New Businesses Need to Get Right!

Establishing a startup is much more than naming a business and pitching to people in your network. It is a long-term commitment and needs proper planning. Here, we’ll discuss various aspects of setting up a business and the startup fundamentals checklist to help you plan ahead. Entrepreneurship and startups have gained prominence in recent years. Many youngsters and experienced professionals are taking the risk of establishing their own businesses instead of working for others. This is a great development as it creates more job opportunities and keeps the market healthy with new competition.  According to Small Business Trends, only two out of five startups turn profitable, while one in three could break even and one in three could end up in losses. Running a startup is not easy and requires a lot of planning (and funding) along with experience and support from different parties. Many people ask if they can start a startup alone. It is certainly possible, but it is also important to find third-party partners to sustain the business and survive market competition.  Following a fundamental checklist will help create the initial plans and give you a clear idea of what needs to be done to establish and run a startup. Let’s find out more about the startup fundamentals in this blog. What are the Essentials for Starting a Business- Startup Fundamentals?  So, what are the fundamentals of startup? What is required for a startup to become successful? Let’s find out. 1. Business Plan  A business plan is a detailed document with information about your startup, like the idea, industry, goals, expectations, potential investors, target markets, etc. It is a roadmap you draw to convert your ideas into actions. So, why does every startup needs a business concept statement? Because a business cannot run for long on vague ideas and random decisions. Moreover, if you apply for a loan or pitch the business to investors, they ask for a business plan to make their decision. It is a compulsory document for many fundraisers.  But how do you create a business plan? Is there software for it?  Yes! Business plan software can be used for this purpose. The software helps refine your ideas and structure them into a polished plan that will appeal to investors and banks. However, you can create one from scratch by following the existing templates. The following are the common elements to include in a business plan:  As you can see, much of this requires serious effort from entrepreneurs. You can save time by investing in data analytics in startups to gather the required information. This also ensures that your business plan is data-driven and based on solid groundwork.  2. Cost Estimation  Another important part of startup fundamentals is budget. What are your financial prospects? How much will it cost to establish the startup? How much working capital do you need to run it? What salaries will you pay? Can you buy the latest tools? What kind of funding will you require?  These are just some questions you need to answer when estimating the cost of a startup. These calculations should be ready long before the startup opens. Use budget templates meant for startups or small businesses to plan your finances. Additionally, don’t rely only on outsiders to raise funds. You should have enough money saved to pay for the initial foundation work, like creating a business plan, pitching the idea to investors, getting expert opinions from financial and legal advisors, etc.  How you set up a startup also depends on how you plan and manage money. Opt for small business loans and angel investors instead of mortgaging your existing properties. Many legitimate platforms allow entrepreneurs to run crowdfunding campaigns. This helps in generating funds and assessing the viability of your business idea.  3. Researching a Managed Service Partner  Though you have yet to register and run the startup, you have the necessary information to determine the business operations. This will give you an idea to search for a budget-friendly managed data analytics provider for collaboration. The company can also help create the business plan, plan daily operations, build the IT infrastructure, and manage it to reduce downtime. In short, you not only gain access to data-driven insights but can also rely on an expert to manage your business system end to end.  4. Registering the Startup  Another crucial part of the basics of startup essentials is the registration process. This depends on the geographical location of your business, the industry standards and requirements, etc. It is recommended to hire a professional to oversee the registration to avoid last-minute complications. For example, some business models require additional permissions and documents. The owners may have to sign certain agreements which could clash with their existing jobs (if any). This can be risky if you are working for a company and want to build a startup simultaneously. In such instances, you should select a model with more relaxed terms and conditions.  5. Finding the Right Business Model  As mentioned above, the business fundamentals checklist includes the type of structure/ partnership you want in your startup. This also determines how you get your funds or approach investors. By default, the business models are categorized as below:  Study each model carefully and choose the best one for your startup. Take expert advice and consider your long-term goals.  6. Naming the Startup Giving a good name for your business may not seem like a big deal to some, but it is! That’s why it is listed as one of the fundamentals of a business. The name you choose becomes your brand image and identity. Make a list of all your ideas and suggestions from others. Analyze the names to see if they suit the business idea and convey a message to the target audience. If you wish to trademark the business name, it should comply with certain criteria, which will be available on the official website. Moreover, the name should be easy to pronounce, spell, and recollect. Go through

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Top Business Transformation Agencies in South Africa to Consider!

Business transformation redefines your existing processes and helps organizations adopt the digital-first strategy to optimize operations, reduce expenses, avoid mistakes and increase ROI. Here, we’ll discuss digital transformation and the top business transformation agencies in South Africa.  Digital transformation has become a keyword in the last few years. Businesses from around the world have been adopting new tools, technologies, and processes to get better results in terms of ROI, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.  According to Gartner, 51% of CEOs said digital transformation has improved their revenue. As per a study by Deloitte, integrating digital tools into business processes accelerates the achievement of goals by 22%. The global digital transformation market was valued at $695.5 billion in 2023.  The scenario in South Africa is slightly different. A recent report by Deloitte Global Economics Research Center shows that businesses have been focused on investing in alternative sources of energy (self-generation and rooftop solar power) to bridge the gap between energy supply and demand. This has led to a flatter business sentiment as organizations are dealing with various challenges.  In such instances, it has become important to understand how adopting newer technologies can streamline business processes and reduce costs. This can be achieved through carefully planned business transformation. But what is it, and how can you transform your business? Which business transformation agency should you hire to initiate the process?  Let’s find out. What is Business Transformation?  A common question asked by CEOs is – How do I start with business transformation? Before we discuss this, let’s understand the digital business transformation definition. Business transformation is where you revamp the existing systems, processes, and technologies in an organization to increase productivity, performance, efficiency, revenue, and customer experience. It is a long-term and continuous process of streamlining your operations to increase cost-efficiency through optimization and automation.  Due to the complex nature of the project, organizations partner with business transformation agencies to provide end-to-end and tailored solutions along with long-term support services. From creating a robust transformation strategy to implementing it, the service provider has many roles and responsibilities to handle. Top 8 Business Transformation Agencies for Businesses in South Africa DataToBiz  DataToBiz is a leading business transformation agency in South Africa, India, the Middle East, the US, the UK, and Australia. The company works with start-ups, SMBs, MSMEs, and large enterprises from various industries like mining, transportation, FinTech, EdTech, IT, manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, real estate, retail and eCommerce, surveillance, etc. It is a certified partner of Microsoft, Google, and AWS and uses its expertise to offer tailor-made business transformation services to clients with varied requirements. DataToBiz provides end-to-end cloud transformation solutions to empower organizations to unlock their full potential and adopt data-driven models to make effective decisions and gain a competitive edge. The transparent and flexible price plans allow businesses to choose the most suitable and cost-effective model of digital transformation.  Krish Compusoft Services  Krish Compusoft Services or KCS is a digital transformation consulting company offering industry-focused solutions in South Africa and other parts of the world. It has a presence in industries like agriculture, IT, manufacturing, financial services, retail, and education. The company follows CMMI Level 5 and ISO 27001 standards and is a Microsoft Gold Partner, as well as a certified partner of Google and AWS. It provides full-scale technological solutions to clients and has worked with government, public, and private firms in the country. KCS helps businesses migrate and transform their processes through cloud solutions. The company also offers mobility consulting services to empower organizations to build and deploy mobile apps for employees and customers. The company designs the business transformation process based on the client’s current situation and the market trends.  Sight Holdings  4Sight Holdings Limited is a multinational technology service provider with a vast presence in South Africa. With experience in industries such as agriculture, car rentals, export, logistics, manufacturing, financial services, mining, non-profit, government, and many more, the company follows a business model termed the ‘blue ocean strategy’. This includes bespoke custom tech solutions, Enterprise 5.0, continuous innovation, SaaS (software as a service), and proactive fostering of partnerships for a better future. 4Sight Holdings offers future-proof solutions like data-driven models, cloud transformation, vertical integration, etc. The company offers an array of advanced technologies for businesses to streamline their internal operations and accelerate success. It helps clients gain more visibility into their data and derive actionable insights in real time to make data-driven decisions. MO Agency MO Agency is a digital marketing and transformation consulting agency in South Africa with offices in Johannesburg and Cape Town. It offers, HubSpot, CRM, and data-driven strategies for business organizations to achieve their goals using the latest technologies. The business transformation specialist from the company helps clients enhance customer experience and increase revenue. The agency provides the necessary support and tech assistance for businesses to seamlessly shift from conventional to digital solutions. MO Agency works with clients from different industries to develop digital-first strategies, automate processes, optimize CRM, manage changes in work culture, and holistic system integration. The company also provides support to train employees to use the new technologies effectively and increase productivity. The customer-centric solutions are designed to increase customer satisfaction for the clients.  BCX BCX is a popular digital business transformation agency in South Africa with a presence across the African continent and other countries in the world. It has clients from healthcare, mining, retail, finance, and government sectors. The company offers smart solutions to reimagine business transformation and help clients adopt the latest technologies to achieve their long-term objectives. Clients can choose a single service or a suite of digital transformation solutions to revamp their systems. BCX understands the client’s requirements before creating a detailed plan for cloud transformation, cloud migration, tech adoption, and app customization. It aims to reduce the downtime for businesses to continue their day-to-day activities during the transformation phase. The company has partnerships with several technology providers and integrates their tools with the client’s systems and deliver the promised results.  PwC PwC is a

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Complete Business Transformation with Digital Transformation Consulting: A Go-To Guide!

Digital transformation is a continuous process of adopting and using new technology to streamline an organization. Here, we’ll discuss the role of digital transformation consulting companies in transforming your business into a successful model.  Digital transformation is adopting and implementing new technologies in a business to increase efficiency, streamline operations, improve customer satisfaction, and generate higher ROI. It helps organizations unlock their full potential using data-driven models to make quick, effective decisions.  The global digital transformation market is projected to reach $1009.8 billion by 2025. It is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 23.1% to touch $3810.05 billion by 2030. World Economic Forum says digital transformation could be worth $100 trillion by 2025 (in industrial and societal markets). Another report shows that the digital transformation spending will be around $3.4 trillion by 2026.  These are a few examples to show the growing prominence of digital transformation in today’s world. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of digital transformation consulting services and how you can enhance your business by digitally transforming the internal processes.  Importance of Digital Transformation Consulting  Digital transformation is a continuous process that also includes cultural changes in the organization. The top management, employees, stakeholders, and customers should adapt to the new mindset of using digital technology for various purposes. Generally speaking, digital transformation combines two concepts – digitization and digitalization.  Digitization transforms analog information into digital information (scanned photos, documents, etc.). Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to improve business processes. Together, these help an enterprise gain a competitive edge and achieve its goals.  Here’s why businesses need digital transformation:  Better Business Strategy  The business strategy forms the core of an organization. It guides the decision-makers and other employees to perform their jobs effectively. A robust and well-thought-out strategy will strengthen the establishment across all levels and verticals. By partnering with digital transformation strategy consulting service providers, businesses can develop a unified model aligning the business vision, mission, objectives, industry standards, and customer preferences.  Realign Operations  Organizations cannot follow the same traditional operational methods in our ever-changing market conditions. It is necessary to adapt to the changes to stay relevant and provide customers with quality products and services. Digital transformation helps streamline and realign operations through data analytics, edge computing, cloud transformation, etc. Different digital technologies can be implemented in industries like manufacturing, supply chain, finance, insurance, healthcare, travel, real estate, eCommerce, etc.  Optimize Resources  Resources are vital for an enterprise to run smoothly and be productive. However, businesses can reduce the consumption of resources without compromising quality or production values. Digital transformation helps in identifying weak areas and eliminating unwanted steps to reduce resource consumption. This allows the business to optimize resources and save money while delivering high-quality performance.  Greater Agility  Modern businesses and manufacturers need to have agile processes to cater to diverse customer requirements. With personalized products and services becoming a norm, the enterprise cannot continue to rely on rigid production/ service models that have little to no room for changes. With digital transformation, businesses can introduce agility into their core functionalities and improve their overall capabilities.  Flexibility and Scalability  Similar to the previous point, digital transformation consulting firms help businesses become more flexible and scale their operations as the business expands. Instead of starting from scratch every time or buying new technology, many digital solutions can be scaled and customized to suit specific requirements. That way, a business can continue to use the same technology even as the transaction volume increases and deliver efficient results.  Innovation and Experimentation  Businesses need to embrace change to stay relevant and compete with newer establishments in their industries. Innovation and change can go a long way in boosting the business. However, how an enterprise innovates and which technologies it chooses determine the result. That’s why many organizations hire digital transformation firms to bring flexibility into their businesses. This reduces the risk of losses due to experimentation.  People Change Management  Digital transformation involves all areas of the business, including human resources. It is important to involve employees in the process and keep them in the loop. Setting up training modules, webinars, etc., will make it easy for the people involved to adopt new technology and make the transition smoother. It also reduces stress and uncertainty regarding the changes. Digital transformation service providers play a role in people change management.   Digital Transformation Consulting Solutions to Future-Proof a Business   Digital transformation is the way to a better future for many businesses around the world. It is ‘the’ solution to transform a traditional business into an agile, scalable, and sustainable model with future-proof processes and technologies. Be it a startup or a large enterprise, digital transformation solutions can be customized and implemented in any organization from any industry.  The following solutions play a vital role in accelerating business transformation:  Cloud Migration  Cloud-based platforms are remote servers and storage centers to run several applications and maintain the business database. Instead of building the entire IT infrastructure on-premises, organizations can host a majority of it on cloud platforms. This offers greater efficiency, scalability, and flexibility. Additionally, businesses can take advantage of the ecosystem of technologies offered by cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, AWS, etc. Cloud migration and cloud transformation are important digital transformation consulting services offered by service providers.  Artificial Intelligence  Artificial intelligence has grown leaps and bounds over the years. Yet, there’s more to come in the future. Leveraging AI and ML tools helps a business improve its productivity and performance. Instead of relying on manual methods to collect and analyze data, organizations can implement AI-based solutions to automate data analytics, predictive analytics, etc., in all industries. Artificial intelligence allows businesses to use the data-driven model for decision-making and helps discover new growth opportunities. Process Automation  Automation is another digital transformation solution that can benefit an enterprise by streamlining its operations and optimizing resources. Service providers work with businesses to identify repetitive tasks that can be automated using advanced technology. Entire

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Cloud Transformation vs Cloud Migration – The Right Strategy for Business Transformation

Cloud migration and cloud transformation have a few common factors but are different processes that deliver different results for an organization. Here, we’ll discuss cloud transformation vs cloud migration to determine which is the right strategy for your business.  Cloud technologies have been revolutionizing many industries over the last few years. From startups to international brands, business organizations with varying volumes have adopted cloud technologies or are planning to invest in them. The increasing popularity of digital transformation has put the cloud at the forefront.  According to Mordor Intelligence, the global cloud migration market is estimated at $232.51 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach $806.41 billion in 2029 at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 28.24%. Meanwhile, Gartner has predicted that global spending on cloud computing will touch $679 in 2024, saying that it will become a necessity for business in competitive markets by 2028.  However, several businesses are not entirely sure about the process. While some opt for cloud migration, some choose cloud transformation. Others wonder which is the best strategy for their establishments.  In this blog, we’ll provide detailed answers to such questions about digital transformation in businesses and analyze cloud transformation vs cloud migration strategies. Let us first understand what cloud transformation and cloud migration mean. Read on! What is Cloud Transformation? Cloud transformation or cloud digital transformation is a comprehensive and end-to-end strategy that focuses on streamlining the entire IT infrastructure in an enterprise to increase its overall efficiency and reduce costs. Instead of shifting the software or business systems to a cloud, you will reconsider your existing IT strategy and strengthen it on multiple levels. This involves data pipeline creation, adoption of new technologies, third-party integrations, better security layers, and cultural changes in the organization, along with partnering with a cloud solutions provider.  The process is highly complex and requires an expert team. Many businesses partner with a reliable cloud transformation consultant to develop a holistic approach to revamp the IT landscape in the business and achieve their results. It is also an expensive process but delivers a higher return on investment in the long run.  What is Cloud Migration? As the name suggests, cloud migration or migration to the cloud is the process of moving business applications and their data to cloud platforms. By moving an application from on-premises to the cloud, you can optimize your internal resources, scale the apps over time, and improve performance. Applications hosted on the cloud are more flexible, agile, and secure. So, what is another name for cloud migration? It is sometimes termed ‘lifting and shifting’ since the apps and systems are lifted from on-premises business systems and shifted to a remote cloud platform. Depending on your preferences, the service provider will create a strategy for cloud migration to AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or other cloud platforms. Based on your long-term plan and business objectives, you can choose between public, private, hybrid, and multiple cloud platforms.  What are the 3 Main Phases of Cloud Migration? The cloud migration roadmap is divided into three major phases to plan, execute, manage, and optimize the projects according to the business requirements. The phases are similar for different cloud platforms, such as Azure and AWS.  Prepare and Plan  Start by evaluating the existing systems in your business. Which applications do you want to move to the cloud? What kind of data do these applications need? Then, plan the process and determine which cloud provider is the right choice. Leading platforms have their cloud migration software. For example, Microsoft Azure has a tool called Azure Migrate. For other platforms, you can choose software like Datadog, Flexera, Carbonite Migrate, etc. Your cloud migration partner will take care of these aspects when you provide the necessary information.  Migrate Once the cloud migration plan is ready, the service provider will initiate the process of moving the selected applications and their data from on-premises to the cloud. This phase includes a series of steps like configuring, deploying, resource management, creating alternate data pipelines, actual data migration, third-party integrations, testing the applications on the cloud, and so on. It is time-consuming and has to be handled by experts with domain experience.   Operate and Optimize  When the migration and testing are done, the consultant will monitor the new setup on the cloud and make the necessary adjustments to create seamless workflows. They identify and eliminate glitches, bugs, etc., and optimize the processes to accelerate efficiency. The optimization phase deals with cost-management measures to maximize results without affecting quality. The service providers will continue to offer maintenance and support services to upgrade the apps whenever necessary.  What is the Main Difference Between Cloud Transformation and Cloud Migration? As a growing business, you want to do the right thing for your organization. Here, we’ll compare cloud transformation vs cloud migration to help you understand what each process signifies for your establishment.  Strategy The cloud transformation strategy is more detailed and comprehensive as it redefines the business approach. You implement a cloud-first approach where all major IT components are hosted on cloud platforms. This allows your employees more freedom and flexibility to work remotely and collaborate with others.  Even though cloud migration involves shifting the applications to a cloud platform, it doesn’t always change the business approach. Your employees can continue working the same way and show greater productivity. Migrating the systems to the cloud doesn’t change the core of your business.  Difficulty Levels  Between cloud transformation vs cloud migration, the former is more difficult, complex, and expensive. Cloud migration doesn’t include development services. It doesn’t require the same level of expertise as cloud transformation. However, cloud migration also needs domain experience and capable support services.  Cloud transformation involves making major changes to applications, altering the source code, customizing the software, etc., to make sure they are compatible with each other. There’s a greater risk of data loss or unexpected system downtime during cloud transformation.  Despite the difference in difficulty levels, both processes should be implemented by professionals

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5 Top GenAI Consulting Firms to Watch in 2024 

Generative AI is the latest development in the industry, opening new doors for businesses to grow and become successful. Here, we’ll discuss the top five GenAI consulting firms to hire in 2024 and the role of a service provider in successful AI adoption.  GenerativeAI has become a buzzword since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. Businesses are exploring the potential advantages of using Generative AI to streamline processes and enhance productivity.  According to a report by McKinsey, GenAI (Generative AI) can potentially contribute $2.6 to $4.4 trillion to the global economy every year by 2030. Generative AI can help a business in many ways, such as extracting information from audiovisual content, summarizing long pages of text, writing and debugging code, rewriting and editing content, providing multiple product or service descriptions, draft letters, emails, ads, and so much more.  Let’s find out more about the role of GenAI Consulting Firms in helping enterprises adopt the new technology. We’ll look at the top service providers offering GenAI consulting and LLM (large language model) development services in the industry.  Why is GenAI Important? Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, like text, images, video, audio, synthetic data, etc., based on a given input command or query. DALL-E, ChatGPT, etc., are some well-known GenAI platforms used by individuals and businesses. These are built on large language models (LLMs) and trained on massive amounts of data.  Generative AI is important as it can disrupt the global industry and accelerate technological adoption and digital transformation. LLM consulting companies use open-source models to build customized applications for businesses and train them on proprietary data before deploying them in the client’s IT infrastructure. Almost every industry and department can benefit from generative AI.  How Will GenAI Impact Consulting? Generative AI adoption is one of the latest AI-powered innovation strategies that can impact a business in several ways. In the field of consulting, it can be useful in the following ways:  5 Top GenAI Consulting Firms to Watch in 2024 DataToBiz DataToBiz is among the top AI consulting firms offering tailor-made and end-to-end solutions for complete digital transformation, AI adoption, data engineering, business intelligence, and LLM development. The company provides LLM consulting for businesses from diverse industries and builds data-safe models on-premises and cloud platforms. It helped clients reduce the time taken to resolve concerns by up to 20% and optimized resource utilization by up to 18%. DataToBiz has experienced AI engineers to build, deploy, integrate, and upgrade AI chatbot solutions, automation tools, virtual assistants, etc. The company provides 24*7 customer support with its 360-degree LLM implementation. It is a certified partner of Microsoft, Google Cloud, and AWS.  LeewayHertz LeewayHertz is one of the best AI development companies in the market, offering innovative product development and consulting services to businesses from several industries. The company develops domain-specific LLMs that can be seamlessly integrated with the existing business systems in an organization. The experts work with different foundational models to choose the most appropriate solution based on the client’s requirements. LeewayHertz also offers strategic consulting services for GenAI adoption. It provides LLM optimization and maintenance services for top-tier Fortune 500 companies. Businesses can choose a hiring model that suits their project specifications.  Strong Analytics Strong Analytics is a GenAI model development and data analytics service provider offering custom machine learning software and solutions to diverse clients. The company empowers businesses with cutting-edge AI technologies that have been customized for each business’s specific requirements. It focuses on building high-performance models that can help businesses navigate the complexities in their industries and achieve the desired results. Strong Analytics also provides data augmentation and synthesis, content generation and automation solutions, computer vision and image synthesis applications, and consulting services to adopt and implement Generative AI in a business.  Deeper Insights Deeper Insights is a data intelligence company offering GPT-3 for product development and Generative AI services to different businesses from around the globe. The company builds custom LLMs and trains them on the proprietary data of the clients to provide accurate and meaningful output. It helps establishments unlock the full potential of their business data and thrive in competitive markets. Deeper Insights aims to reduce costs, optimize resources, increase efficiency, and enhance decision-making capabilities in businesses. It provides end-to-end support, be it strategy formation, large language model customization, deployment, fine-tuning, and long-term maintenance. The company is an AI partner of many leading global businesses.  ThirdEyeData ThirdEyeData is an AI and large language model consulting company with ISO certification. It also has Microsoft Silver partner certification and SOC 2 Type 1 data security certification. The company builds real-world AI applications to promote data-centric business models. It develops ChatGPT and Generative AI solutions for automation, predictive modeling, recommendation, decision support, analytics, conversions, etc. The company blends machine learning, computer vision, NLP (natural language processing), and GenAI to provide tailor-made solutions for businesses to overcome various challenges and achieve their goals. ThirdEyeData offers consulting, application development, bespoke LLM training and optimization, data engineering, and other custom solutions. It has won several awards and is a reputed service provider.  What are the Challenges of Gen AI? While building AI products with LLMs is beneficial for businesses, the process is not without a few challenges. These concerns can be overcome by partnering with the reputed GenAI consulting firms we listed above.  How New Opportunities can be Created Using GenAI? AI product development experts have been working on a varied range of projects to find innovative ways to use Generative AI solutions in businesses. It can create new opportunities for enterprises to gain a competitive edge and increase ROI. A few such examples are as follows:  How to Hire a Generative AI Consulting Firm? Consider the following factors when hiring a GenAI consulting firm to work on your project.  Businesses can get AI product development cost estimation reports from shortlisted service providers and compare the offerings before making the final decision. However, note that cost is not the only factor. The features and services included will play a vital role in the final output.  Conclusion  Generative AI can support a business in many ways. However, the technology and its ecosystem are still evolving. Enterprises will need to plan for the future when hiring a service provider. Opt for Generative AI consulting services that make the business flexible, agile, scalable, and future-proof. With direct access to

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Staff Augmentation Services for your Next IT Project – Behind the Scenes

With increasing costs and time required to hire in-house IT professionals, organizations are turning towards staff augmentation services. In this blog, we’ll discuss how staff augmentation helps them to enhance their IT capabilities and meet project deadlines. Did you know that companies’ expenses and time to employ a software engineer or hire a data scientist have risen to $32,601 and 60 days, respectively? Nevertheless, this major problem remains—the IT workforce deficit or lack of proficient and qualified IT staff. According to PwC’s research, the skills gap in the US could cost an equivalent of $8.5 trillion by 2030. In return, most firms are beginning to reassess their staffing plans and who to look for talent from and are, therefore, opting for IT staff augmentation services. This blog will discuss IT staff augmentation services, how they work, their benefits and weaknesses, and the types available. Let’s start with the basics and behind-the-scenes of staff augmentation services. What is IT Staff Augmentation? IT staffing augmentation can be loosely defined as a form of acquisition strategy involving outside talent to support a company. This means the company can hire these contractors to provide any profession or skill that they require to complete the project but without the need to employ them permanently with the company. IT staff augmentation services is a concept that addresses recruiting talented IT professionals outside temporarily to help complete your project tasks when you lack the adequate staff to accomplish them within the duration set.  Therefore, choosing data engineering/ IT staffing becomes an ideal method for companies that experience a sudden surge of traffic in a given sector but cannot spend time recruiting a qualified candidate in that field. What are the Different Types of IT Staff Augmentation? IT staff augmentation is increasingly becoming popular among organizations to address skill gaps and meet project deadlines. This flexible approach helps companies scale their IT resources up and down according to project needs. To understand staff augmentation services, let’s look at the three main models: 1. Commodity What it is: Also known as “project outsourcing services,” this model provides temporary workers for specific projects or tasks. Considerations: Best for: Tasks like data entry or repetitive manual testing where no specialized skills are needed. 2. Skill-based What it is: This model hires staff with specific skills and knowledge required for a project or position, either short-term or long-term. Considerations: Best for: When you need specific skills without training your staff. 3. Highly-skilled What it is: This model hires top-level experts to fill critical positions and address skill shortages quickly. Considerations: Best for: When you need highly experienced talent, like hiring a Python developer with years of experience creating eLearning platforms. By understanding these models, you can choose the right type of staff augmentation needs. Types of Staff Augmentation Services Provider Type Description Talent Types Ideal For Strengths Challenges Traditional Staffing Providers Providers of temporary labor for various projects Skill-Based, Commodity Projects that don’t require high-level skills Flexibility Difficult to find highly-skilled talent Master Vendor Staffing Providers Single-vendor, large-scale staffing programs Commodity Needs for highly standardized labor focusing on low cost and scale Low Cost, Scale Quality of talent can be inconsistent Specialized/Boutique Staffing & Consulting Firms Smaller firms or agencies that specialize in highly skilled talent Skill-Based, Highly-Skilled When specialized skill sets or highly skilled talent are required High Quality Generally expensive with high overhead Gig Platforms Online platforms offering access to freelance workers Commodity, Skill-Based Task-based needs for more standardized skillsets Speed, Flexibility Large number of candidates makes it hard to distinguish skills, geographically spread On-Demand Talent Platforms Online platforms providing curated, highly skilled talent Highly-Skilled Rapid deployment of highly-skilled talent Speed, Flexibility, Quality Talent is usually geographically distributed (remote) Direct Independent Relationships Independent contractors directly hired by organizations Skill-Based, Highly Skilled Known professionals filling specific needs High Quality, Low Overhead Challenging to find reliable individuals, and maintaining active relationships can be tough Process Behind While Implementing Staff Augmentation Staff augmentation services are beneficial for organizations searching for a resource to bolster their IT division. Here’s the process to follow while onboarding data analytics staff augmentation firms: Step 1: Identify the need The first step inherent to technology staff augmentation services is identifying a need. This need could be attributed to the scarcity of skilled personnel, the absence of specialization in some operations, or a project scheduled in the near future, and more manpower is needed. Step 2: Identify the objectives The next step is to define the extent of the project, or what is also known as the W, of the project – W is for Work such as defining the roles of the Azure data engineering staff augmentation services or identifying the period that the engagement would last, or the specific skills and knowledge that would be essential for the engagement. Step 3: Select Smart Candidates This can be done through various means including recommending or approaching the candidate yourself or through a third party or advertising for the position. Pre-employment techniques for selection, which should involve functional resume review and interviews, should be effectively and efficiently used to ensure that only qualified persons are hired. Step 4: Recruiting and adding a new member The fourth general step of the process for data analytics staff augmentation services is to integrate newly hired staff into the company’s Information Technology team. Namely, you need to ensure that the person has access to the systems, tools, and resources they need and formally introduce them to the team. Step 5: Scope Management and Oversight When it comes to engagement, it is mandatory to monitor and coordinate the external IT personnel, maintain a set frequency of meetings, discuss performance, and provide guidance as needed to ensure that they are meeting the project deliverables. Business Benefits of Using IT Staff Augmentation Services Staff augmentation services provide several key benefits to businesses Potential Challenges of IT Staffing Augmentation Let’s go through some of the most significant challenges of IT staff augmentation services that companies might

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How to Hire the Right LLM Consultant? CEO’s Guide to Exploring LLM Integration

Large language models are part of generative AI applications and can be customized for diverse business needs. Here, we will discuss tips for hiring the right LLM consultant for a business and the factors every CEO must know about generative AI.  Businesses today should adopt the latest technology to survive market competition. This includes generative AI and large language models (LLMs), which can transform businesses in many ways.  According to a survey report by McKinsey, around 65% of companies that responded are using generative AI in their businesses. The figure has doubled in less than a year, indicating the growing popularity of GenAI and LLMs in the market. Additionally, the report shows that large language models are being used for more business functions than in the previous survey. 50% of responders use generative AI for two or more functions.  Most organizations rely on third-party or offshore service providers and GenAI consulting services to bridge the talent and technological gap in their business. Your success depends on hiring the right LLM consultant to work with your establishment. The right service provider understands your requirements and aligns your business mission, vision, goals, and objectives with the LLM strategic implementation plan.  Here, let’s discuss how to hire LLM consultant for your business and learn more about generative AI. We’ll answer questions like what is LLM’s full form in AI, what LLM is in generative AI, and so on.  Read on!  What Does LLM Stand for in ChatGPT? LLM stands for Large Language Model. It is a deep learning model that can read and train on large datasets and perform language processing tasks. The models are trained to create outputs that combine different types of text and can mimic human language.  LLMs are a subset of artificial intelligence like machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. These can be used for quicker and more effective AI Product Development in different industries. What is LLM in Generative AI? Generative AI applications like ChatGPT are built on LLMs and foundation models (complex machine learning models) to understand the input data and provide a relevant output in the user’s preferred format. Large language models handle the text-generation part of generative AI. That means all LLMs belong to the generative AI models but gen AI doesn’t have to use LLMs.  For example, ChatGPT gives textual output while platforms like Microsoft Bing use text to generate images as output. LLMs are used in ChatGPT while other foundation models are used in Bing to convert text input to image output. So, which LLM to choose? Businesses that want to adopt GenAI and large language models often face the tough question. Which LLM is right for their operations? With so many models already available in the market, it can be confusing to pick the right one.  There is no definite answer to this question. When you hire LLM consultants, they will analyze your business needs and identify the best model to help you achieve your goals. Service providers consider factors like the size of the model, availability, architecture type, training process, and benchmarked performance. LLMs are broadly classified into three categories – encoder-only, decoder-only, and encoder-decoder. BART is an encoder-decoder model, while GPT is decoder-only and BERT is encoder-only. The right LLM consultant will choose the perfect large language model for your business and set up the necessary integrations. They will customize the model and train it on your proprietary data to increase its efficiency and accuracy. How to Choose an LLM Consultant for Your Company Since large language model development and integration is a part of AI services, you need to hire a reputed AI/ ML company for the project. However, not every artificial intelligence company works with LLMs. Partner with LLM consulting companies or generative AI companies based on the factors below.  Business Goals and Objectives  While most tips for hiring an LLM consulting provider focus on the capabilities of the service provider, it is equally important to consider your requirements and goals. Do you already use AI applications? Did you begin your digital transformation journey? What do you aim to achieve in the next five or ten years? If you are yet to adopt new technologies, you will need an end-to-end AI and LLM consulting company to guide you through the entire process.  Existing Talent in Your Business  The second aspect to consider is the talent on your payroll. Do you have AI engineers and developers in-house? Can your existing employees be trained to use the LLMs? The lack of required talent in your establishment implies the need to make alternative arrangements. You will find it easier to outsource the project to expert AI product development companies and LLM consultants. You also have to create training modules to bridge the gap within your enterprise or opt for staff augmentation to bring fresh talent capable of using new technologies.  Technical Expertise of the Consultants Large language model consulting companies should have the necessary technical and domain expertise to work with complex deep learning and foundation models required to build generative AI applications. They also need to have expertise in data engineering and management. The LLMs can be efficient and accurate only when they are trained on high-quality data. The consultants should clean and process the datasets before training the models on them. Additionally, they should integrate the LLM with your existing systems to share the outputs through personalized dashboards.  Strategic Approach  Artificial intelligence and large language models don’t offer standard solutions. There’s no one-size-fits-all theory in LLM integration best practices. The approach is tailored for each business based on your budget, priorities, existing systems, long-term plan, and other factors. The right LLM consultant will know how and what to include in your LLM journey.  Use Cases or Success Stories  Use cases and project portfolios tell the success stories of the LLM consultant. When hiring GenAI consulting services, make sure to ask for more information about relevant projects the experts worked on. Many companies include these details on their

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Digital Transformation Companies in Banking – Top 10 Emerging Players

Digital transformation is necessary for banks to revamp their outdated processes and adopt new technology. Here, we’ll discuss the top digital transformation companies in the banking industry and their role in digitalizing the sector to enhance customer experience. Banks have been following the traditional business model for decades. However, the changing trends and new technologies disrupted the industry to promote digital transformation on a large scale. The digital transformation definition presents it as integrating digital technologies into various aspects of a business.  Statistics show that 93% of customers want their banks to know about their banking needs. With many people preferring digital transactions, the banking sector is making major changes to digitalize its operations. A report shows that the global market share of AI in banking is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 22.5% and reach $6,256 million by 2032.  The best way to create and implement the digital transformation strategy in the banking sector is to partner with a reliable service provider. In this blog, we’ll find out how digital transformation banking can be achieved and the top ten companies offering customized services for the same.  Role of Digital Transformation Companies in the Banking Industry Digital transformation for banks has become mandatory in today’s world. It is no longer something to try after a few years. Many banks around the world have already embraced digitalization to offer various online services to customers. However, digital transformation in retail banking is much more than providing online bank accounts. It involves transforming the entire business model, the operations, processes, systems, etc., to adopt modern technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, business intelligence, etc.  The digital transformation consultant will create a comprehensive strategy to select and apply the right technologies for streamlining operations, improving customer experience, reducing overhead costs, reducing stress on employees, increasing business efficiency, and helping the bank survive competitive market conditions in the long term.  Digital transformation in banking and financial services also deals with data compliance and governance. Banks can automate recurring tasks, derive insights from datasets, and quickly share reports through analytical dashboards. Digital transformation is a set of various processes, technologies, and tools to help an establishment unlock its full potential and make data-driven decisions.  Top 10 Digital Transformation Companies in Banking 1. DataToBiz DataToBiz is one of the leading AI and digital transformation companies in the market. It provides end-to-end transformation solutions to clients from banking, finance, insurance, manufacturing, transportation, surveillance, telecommunication, education, healthcare, retail, eCommerce, hospitality, and other industries. The award-winning company offers services, such as big data analytics, AI, ML, NLP, and LLM development, data engineering, cloud transformation, business intelligence, and IT staffing. The teams have years of experience developing digital marketing strategies for banks and making the establishment cloud-ready to achieve its long-term objectives. DataToBiz follows a multi-step procedure to ensure the successful digital transformation of banks. From cultural shift management to security and compliance, the company handles all aspects of digital transformation.  Glassdoor Rating: 4.1 stars  2. SmartOSC SmartOSC offers holistic digital transformation for banks by diving deep into core challenges and realigning the establishments’ vision and mission to overcome the concerns. The company primarily works with the banking sector to offer comprehensive solutions by leveraging technology. It deals with cybersecurity, blockchain, operations, digital commerce, digital banking, application development, and cloud technologies. The company builds tailor-made solutions based on the bank’s requirements and seamlessly integrates them with existing systems. SmartOSC is among the well-known digital transformation companies working with top banks to effectively manage HRM, CRM, recruitment, RPA, e-office, and much more. It has been announced the gold winner for IT solutions for financial services at the 18th Annual Globee Information Technology Awards in 2023.  Glassdoor Rating: 4.1 stars  3. McKinsey & Company McKinsey & Company is a popular global service provider in the industry. The company offers personalized digital marketing strategies for banks along with robust transformation services, operations management, cloud solutions, risk management, strategic consulting, and many more. It works with several clients from industries like banking and finance, agriculture, aerospace, chemicals, education, chemicals, healthcare, life sciences, metal & mining, oil & gas, etc. The company also handles legal and wealth management for its clients. McKinsey & Company specializes in large-scale and cross-functional transformations. It helps businesses simultaneously focus on sustainability and inclusive growth. The company has customized capabilities like FinLab, GCI analytics, Finalta, PriceMetrics, etc., which provide data-driven insights for banking establishments to analyze their data and make informed decisions.  Glassdoor Rating: 4.1 stars  4. Ernst & Young  Ernst & Young is a global digital transformation company with a presence in various industries like finance and banking, energy and resources, advanced manufacturing realized, private equity, healthcare, real estate, hospitality, etc. The company helps with digital acquisition strategy for banks and provides the necessary support for quick transformation to adopt modern technologies. It offers services for strategic consulting, corporate finance, law, tax assurance, managed services, technology, sustainability, and more. Ernst & Young actively promotes artificial intelligence and its adoption in the financial and banking sectors. It uses technology to strengthen banks’ core operations and help them provide long-term value to their clients. The company follows a multi-step process to provide end-to-end digital transformation banking solutions. Glassdoor Rating: 3.8 stars  5. Bain & Company Bain & Company is among the well-known digital transformation companies in the global market. It works with businesses from industries like banking, financial services, aerospace, automotive, healthcare, aviation, consumer products, media, transportation, telecommunication, retail, etc. The company is a digital transformation consultant and also provides various other services to manage customer experience, sustainability, operations, innovation, technology people, etc. Bain & Company provides a robust digital marketing strategy for banks to reach out to a wider audience. It amplifies the digital capabilities of the clients and increases growth opportunities by creating strategic and personalized solutions for digital transformation. The company calls itself a trusted advisor in the rapidly evolving banking industry by providing expert support to enhance operational efficiency and

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Key Areas of Global Capability Centers and How to Leverage Them

Global Capability Centers (GCCs) have transformed from basic back-office operations to crucial elements of multinational corporate strategy, specializing in technology innovation, business process management, and customer service excellence. Initially aimed at cost reduction, GCCs now focus on strategic enhancements such as digital transformation and talent management. Global Capability Centers (GCCs), once called captive centers, have evolved from being mere back-office hubs to becoming integral parts of leading multinational organizations.  GCCs are offshore facilities that handle and manage business’s IT, operational, and other tasks, offering innovative solutions at a reasonable cost and driving innovation from locations with rich talent pools and operational cost advantages. Historically, GCCs were first discovered in the late 1980s, mostly in countries such as India as well as the Philippines, as companies tried to benefit from global labor markets to improve efficiency and lower expenses. Initially, they focused on data processing basics and IT-related services but they have seen major changes. Nowadays, they are active centers for innovative analysis and research, analytics, and sophisticated strategies for solving problems, profoundly impacting the business strategies of their parent enterprises. The growth of GCCs is evident in their changing function within corporate strategy. A study states that there are more than 1,600 GCCs within India alone and the country is expected to host around 1,900 GCCs by 2025 with a market size of US$ 60 billion. The shift in direction is from cost reduction to strategic improvement as GCCs are becoming a key element in the implementation of digital transformation, driving creativity, and advancing international business projects. GCCs do not just offer cost savings but also improve capabilities within organizations, improve the agility of the business, and help in the digital transformation of global capabilities. According to a study, approximately 25% of Fortune 500 companies and 15% of Forbes Global 2000 companies operate Global Capability Centers (GCCs) in India. Over the next five years, the GCC sector is poised for significant growth, with the potential to expand by an additional US$ 25-50 billion. This expansion could elevate the sector’s total gross output to US$ 180-260 billion and generate employment opportunities for 6 to 8 million people. As businesses navigate through a complicated global ecosystem, the role of GCCs is becoming more crucial. They are not only support centers but are key actors in global strategies that highlight the importance of strategic alignment as well as local expertise to achieve global goals for business. The transformation of cost-centers to hubs for innovation offers an inspiring story of globalization as well as strategic thinking which makes GCCs an essential element in the structure of modern multinational companies. Key Areas of Global Capability Centers GCCs have been a major component of the corporate strategic plans of multinational companies changing from back-office tasks to becoming the centers of operational excellence, innovation, and customer involvement. Here are the key focus areas of GCCs: Technology and Innovation GCCs are becoming increasingly acknowledged as crucial technology engines in global business. They are not only a supporter but are often the driving force behind the development and research efforts of their parent firms. A study estimates that more than 50% of all new R&D centers that have been established around the world located in India are GCCs which underscore their crucial contribution to the development of new technologies. For example, there are several examples of GCCs developing AI-driven software that automates and improves the management of data across the global operations of the parent company. Such breakthroughs not only increase efficiency but also enhance capabilities for handling large data. Business Process Management In the field of management for business processes, GCCs can be crucial in streamlining processes and increasing the effectiveness of business operations. Their strategic location, usually in countries that have a large workforce and lower operating costs can result in substantial savings in costs. According to EY, GCCs are transitioning from being primarily a means of cost reduction to evolving into Global Value Organizations. GCC-as-a-service is also emerging as a preferred business model.  For instance, financial services companies utilize their GCC to streamline and centralize the efficiency of their international and local operations, which results in an improvement in process efficiency and cutting down on errors in transaction processing. Data Analytics and Decision Support Data analytics is yet another key aspect of GCCs which allows businesses to use large amounts of information and analytics that can make business decisions. GCCs excel at the integration and analysis of massive quantities of data from worldwide operations, providing information that helps boost competitive advantage in captive sourcing. One example is the GCCs of e-commerce companies that play an important function in analyzing customer information across all markets to develop strategies for marketing and to improve the quality of products offered. The work improves sales year-over-year through the use of predictive analytics to predict customer buying habits. Customer Service Excellence GCCs are also focused on providing excellent customer service, increasing the customer experience overall by using multi-channel support systems that are both effective and scalable. They employ cutting-edge technology like chatbots, AI, and machine learning to deliver personalized customer interaction. GCCs roll out algorithms powered by machine learning to anticipate customer queries and complaints, while also offering solutions via their customer support channels. This program reduces the volume of calls and improves the satisfaction of customers. Talent Management and Skill Development GCCs serve as vital centers for the acquisition of talent and development, helping to fill gaps in skills and creating a culture of continual learning and improvement. They frequently create large-scale training programs in conjunction with local educational institutions and universities to build a pool of highly skilled professionals. For instance, GCCs have worked with local universities to establish an academy of digital skills, which is not just a solution to the immediate needs of the company but also aids in the regional economy by increasing the talent pool in the region. The strategic impact of the GCC goes beyond their immediate roles impacting development and economics. They

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