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9 Business Intelligence Challenges with Solutions

Business intelligence empowers an enterprise to make data-driven decisions in real time. It has several advantages and will be a part of major businesses in the future. However, you should overcome business intelligence challenges to get the desired results. We’ll discuss the issues and ways to convert the disadvantages to benefits. 

Running a business requires hard work and smart work. It is important to find a balance between legacy systems and advanced applications. Similarly, the transition from traditional decision-making methods to data-driven decisions is filled with challenges. While the past generations made decisions based on observations and intuition, the current businesses have to rely upon something more tangible. 

Business intelligence is where the tools/ applications use their ‘intuition’ in analyzing data and generating insights. The digital age demands the latest technology, like business intelligence and artificial intelligence. BI is one of the in-demand technologies in the global market. Reports show that the global BI market will touch $33.3 billion by 2025. 

However, this is easier said than done. Adopting BI in a business requires planning and expertise. You should hire business intelligence companies to implement digital transformation in your organization. The Covid-19 pandemic has increased the adoption rate. Another study says that one-third of large enterprises will use decision intelligence by 2023. 

Yet, the road to BI adoption is not smooth. Enterprises have to overcome a few challenges to become successful. But what are some potential barriers to business intelligence system success? How can a business solve the issues effectively and use BI for day-to-day decision-making? Let’s find out. 

What are the Characteristics of Business Intelligence?

Business intelligence provides actionable insights to make decisions based on data analytics. It is a combination of strategies and technologies that collect, process, and analyze data (historical and real-time) to provide reports in graphical/ visual formats. BI has the following characteristics: 

  • Analyzing what-if scenarios 
  • Creating customized dashboards for managers and executives 
  • Using mapping technologies
  • Reports with charts, tables, and graphs (data visualization) 
  • Report generation on an ad hoc basis 
  • Interactive dashboards to edit reports in real-time 
  • Micro and macro view of the given situation/ topic 
  • Self-service analytics 
  • Data security
  • Managing large data sets
  • Quick implementation 

Where is Business Intelligence Used?

Business intelligence helps high-level executives, mid-level managers, team leaders, etc., to make decisions based on data-driven insights. Business intelligence is used in many areas and plays a role in every department in the enterprise. So how does business intelligence help companies? Here’s how: 

Data Mining

Data mining is the technique of identifying patterns in large data sets. The data collected by the organizations is cleaned, formatted, and transformed to prepare it for analytics. 


From identifying prospective leads to creating a promotional campaign, the insights provided by BI help the sales teams plan and implement their marketing strategies. 


Understanding competition is vital to succeeding in today’s competitive scenario. BI tools can provide insights to analyze competitors’ strategies, campaigns, products, decisions, etc.


Businesses have to make major investment decisions. Should you invest in a new product or redesign an existing one? How to optimize resources and increase returns? BI provides answers to such questions. 

Risk Management

Risks are an integral part of the industry. That said, you should be proactive and have a risk management strategy to avoid losses. BI helps with fraud detection, market trend prediction, and much more. 

Customer Relationship

Customers are vital for a business to survive. Understand what your customers want and where to find new customers. Know what brings to your business and how to inspire brand loyalty. 

What is the Business Intelligence Cycle?

The BI cycle can have different stages based on the organization. However, the major stages of business intelligence are as follows: 

  1. Set objectives for the BI project. What do you want to achieve? What are your focus areas?
  2. Data collection and organization is the next step. You need data from multiple external and internal sources. This data has to be stored in a centralized location like a Data Warehouse or Data Lake.
  3. Analyze information derived from processing raw data. This requires AI and ML tools.
  4. Measure the KPIs to ensure that your progress is aligned with the business mission and long-term goals.
  5. Continue the cycle and get real-time insights to make day-to-day decisions. Increase productivity and returns for your business.

What are the Benefits of Business Intelligence?

Why do organizations need business intelligence in today’s world? Should small businesses also invest in BI tools? How can BI help an organization achieve its goals? The following are some benefits of BI/ reasons to use business intelligence in your enterprise. 

Increase Productivity

Automation, digitization, and collaboration streamline business processes to increase productivity. 

Higher ROI 

BI helps you make the right decisions and reduce the risk of losses. You get better returns when your increase operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Identify Market Trends

Understand the market conditions to identify trends and make the most of opportunities. 

Optimize Resources

Don’t waste business resources or invest additional finances to generate resources. BI analyzes inefficient areas and provides solutions to overcome wastage. 

Manage Inventory

Know how much inventory to maintain, when to move the stock, and how to manage logistics using BI insights. 

Decision Making

Business intelligence can be used for everyday and long-term decision-making in the enterprise. Make decisions based on actionable insights. 

What are the Challenges of Business Intelligence?

Business intelligence has several benefits to offer. Nevertheless, it has its share of drawbacks or disadvantages. Digital transformation fails because businesses don’t properly deal with the issues when implementing data-driven models.  

Let’s look at the disadvantages of Business Intelligence and find out how to overcome the challenges. 

Data Breach

Collecting data is easy, but you need to be careful about securing the data and preventing cyberattacks. A data breach can compromise your business position in the market.

Multiple Data Sources

With so much data available from external sources, you have to choose the most relevant sources for your business.

Data Quality

Raw data is of poor quality. Using this will result in wrong or faulty insights that can affect your business decisions.

Recurring Costs

BI systems have to be maintained and constantly upgraded. This increases the costs for a business.

Employee Resistance

Digital transformation is not always appreciated by employees. It can be hard to integrate advanced systems with business processes if employees are unwilling to use them.

Self-Servicing Analytics

Self-servicing analytics requires technical knowledge. Employees should be trained to use the dashboards.

Incorrect KPIs

Finalizing wrong KPIs can lead to incorrect assessments, thus providing a false report of the business position.

No BI Strategy

You require a specific BI strategy for your business. There may be a difference between what works for your competitors and what works for you.

Mobile BI

Though mobile intelligence is becoming common, it is still not easy to set up the systems for it.

How to Overcome the Challenges of Big Data and Business

Now that you know the challenges of using big data and BI in an enterprise, let’s find out how to overcome challenges in business analytics. 

Data Breach

An effective way to prevent data breaches is through data governance. You should have multiple data security layers and restricted access to the centralized database. The first step is to determine if you want an in-house system or cloud services. BI consultants will guide you through the process and establish safety measures to tackle attempts at data breaches. 

Data Quality and Multiple Sources

54% of organizations say that data quality is the biggest challenge. Similarly, 41% of businesses say that inconsistent data across their in-house technologies is a cause of concern. A BI expert will give you a clear picture of what kind of data sources you should connect to and how to clean the data in the central database before using it for analytics. Using existing tools will save costs compared to creating data-cleaning models from scratch.

Lack of BI Strategy and Incorrect KPIs

Creating a BI strategy should be the first step in implementing the models in your enterprise. The strategy should align with the industry and your business vision. Organizations fail because they follow competitors or industry leaders without having a proper plan. Discuss your business in detail and ask the BI consulting company to develop a strategy for your requirements. Choose KPIs based on your long-term goals. You can implement BI in stages by introducing it in different departments one at a time. 

High Cost of Setup and Maintenance

BI is seen as a tool for large enterprises because it requires a large investment, which is not possible for small businesses. However, BI doesn’t have to be expensive. Various BI tools in the market come with varied pricing and customizations to suit the requirements of different businesses. 

For example, you can hire a Power BI consultant to customize the business intelligence tool for your organization and create dashboards for managers and executives. The consultants will train your employees to use the BI tools to increase operational efficiency and minimize the use of resources. This reduces the cost and increases productivity, thus amplifying the returns. 

Self-Servicing Analytics and Mobile BI

Restricting business intelligence to top-level executives can still affect your productivity. However, providing access to confidential data is also risky. Self-servicing and mobile intelligence can solve the problem. You create dashboards for managers, team leaders, and decision-makers at different levels. They use the reports generated by the interactive dashboards to access only the information they require and get a clear picture before making a decision. However, training employees is necessary to make them comfortable with desktop and mobile dashboards. 

Dealing with Employee Resistance

Make changes to the work culture and include employees at every stage of digital transformation. Educate them about the advantages of using advanced technology for daily work. Provide necessary training and support to your employees. Assure them that automation will make them more productive and not steal their jobs. Don’t rush the process. Give employees the time to get used to the technology adopted in the enterprise. 

How are Business Intelligence and Big Data Connected?

Big data needs big analytics using advanced tools. You need the appropriate tools to derive accurate and actionable insights from big data to make longer-term decisions for your business. Many CEOs use big data analytics to decide their business course (the products and services to create and sell) and manage risks (internal and external).   

Business Intelligence Trends: What are they?

Data is easily available, and businesses need to use this data to make better decisions. However, converting data to insights requires an established setup with the necessary integrations. Business intelligence is the new normal. It is a must for enterprises to survive in the competitive market. But is business intelligence the future? 

Absolutely. The emerging trends in BI show that it will continue to play a vital role in digitally transforming organizations from different industries. 

  • SaaS and cloud BI adoption have increased during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Enterprises are migrating to cloud servers in greater numbers. 
  • Data literacy is gaining popularity. Many businesses are investing in data-driven models to make the most of historical and real-time data. 
  • Mobile BI tools are becoming popular as they deliver analytics on the go. Tools like Power BI, Tableau, etc., come with mobile-friendly versions. 
  • AI and NLP are entering the mainstream market. Organizations no longer think AI is only for exclusive/ leading brands. 
  • Enterprises are investing in self-serving BI to promote team collaborations. Employees from all verticals can use BI decision-making. 

What is the Future of Business Analytics?

Statistics show that the global data governance market is estimated to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 22.6% by 2026 to touch $4.9 billion. Data governance is essential for business analytics as it ensures that the data used to derive insights is high quality and error-free. 

Mobile intelligence is also a growing market. According to Nix Solutions, the mobile BI market will grow at a CAGR of 21.6% till 2023. The future of business analytics is the future of MSMEs, SMBs, and large enterprises from around the world. The success of a business relies on the successful implementation of BI.


Business analytics challenges are a common hindrance for every organization and can be overcome with expert help. Talk to service providers offering data consultancy services to plan, implement, train, and maintain BI technologies in your enterprise. When experts take care of roadblocks, you’ll have more time to focus on growing the business and increasing returns. BI is the future of the global market, and it’s time to digitally transform your establishment and achieve your business goals. 

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