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How to Assure Data Security in Internal Business Communications

Digital security has become of utmost importance to most companies, especially those who operate online or have large transactions. Cyber attackers and hackers lurk behind every unsafe click and untrusted network or website. This is crucial for employee internal communication as they often send and receive confidential information. So, if the hackers are so powerful, how can you make sure your data is safe?

Impact of Insecure Communications

With each email or text message you receive from a risky sender, you’re putting your entire organization at risk. Some of the most common and prominent risks include identity and account theft, exploitability, fraud, or any similar means of data abuse.

You can’t predict when the next cyberattack is going to happen. However, you can implement certain safety procedures that will keep your employees, data, and transactions safe. Since, communication is usually the least protected, unlike banks and codes, you need to strengthen security in that field.

1. Write Clear Policies

Many may think that cyber security policies are unnecessary since most people know how to properly use a computer. However, we don’t live in the 2000s anymore, as cyber threats have advanced. So, if you run a business with employees, create a policy that will help your workers understand the importance of data and information preservation. So, what should one policy include?

Firstly, you need to set password requirements and help employees create stronger passwords that are harder to breakthrough. If you have IT experts, you need to ensure each employee has a unique password for their email. Since email is the channel most employees use to communicate, outline email security protocols, and help them detect spam, unsafe, and junk mail. On top of that, don’t forget to include assessment in the policy. IT experts should evaluate security levels daily to keep the organization safe. 

2. Train Your Employees

The importance of safe digital interactions can’t be fitted into a single manual. To highlight the true dangers of cyber attacks, you need to organize training where employees will see the consequences in person. It will help them understand the severity of the issue and make them aware of their role in it. How can training help in communication?

It will help employees utilize technology in communication safely. Teach them how to handle sensitive data and when it’s appropriate to share information with others. Also, show them the uses of machine learning in communication which will, with proper training, make things easier for them. Lastly, educate them on what to do during an incident. Even though you can do everything in your willpower to prevent it, you can’t predict it!

3. Implement Encryption

In business communication with little to no security, information and sensitive data can leak quite easily. Therefore, encryption is necessary. Even though some may think that encrypting every single communication channel is excessive, it can save you a lot of struggles later on. So, how does encryption work in business communication?

Encryption is locking data from anyone who doesn’t have the key to access it. It ensures that two entities can communicate freely, without having a third party intervening or listening in. This sounds great and safe for businesses, but it has its downsides. True and effective encryption requires a lot of resources many companies don’t have, which makes them sustainable to cyber attacks.

4. Multi-Factor Authentication

In digital communication, you can’t be sure who’s sitting on the other end of the line, especially if you’ve never met this individual in person. This is especially common in remote teams. Therefore, employers usually limit who access sensitive data by using two or multi-factor authentication. What does that mean and how does that improve business communication?

With these types of authentications users can’t access sensitive data and conversations without presenting two or more pieces of evidence it’s truly them. For instance, the password can be one, while fingerprint, face, and code sent directly to the phone can be other types of verification. It’s a complex method companies use in only extreme cases.

5. Use Safe Tools

Instead of wasting resources on expensive and complicated tools and solutions, you can simply use safer tools for business communication. As you’ve probably noticed, not all apps and platforms offer the same quality of data security. That’s why you need to be careful when choosing technology for your internal communication strategy.

Depending on the strategy you’ve tailored for your business, a wide variety of apps are suitable for your business. Check out internal communication examples that will help you create the best strategy and choose the best solution for your business and employees. Prioritize safety, usability, and effectiveness over price.

6. Create Backups

In times when cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and you never know when they might happen, having clouds and backups are vital for business communication. It’s one of the last lines of defense and data preservation. How do they work?

During conversations, data is automatically backed up on an online cloud. Only the chosen people have access to it. This prevents hackers and malware from stealing your data as it adds another layer of protection. Even though clouds aren’t unhackable, breaking through all the security systems is sometimes not worth it.

Final Thoughts

Cyber security has become one of the top priorities in every company. With skillful hackers, negligent employees, and unsafe networks and systems, you’re making it too easy for attackers to get what they want. So, implement these tips to ensure safety in your organization and communication.

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