Elevating The Supply Chain Efficiency Of An Original Equipment Manufacturer

Our Client

  • A multinational corporation specializing in energy management and automation solutions, operating in the manufacturing domain.
  • An Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) with an annual turnover of approx. $36 billion serving customers in multiple regions across the globe.
  • The client has a strong commitment to embracing sustainability in all its operations including the supply chain.

Problem Statement

  • The client majorly utilized spreadsheets and OneDrive to store and track procurement data, resulting in several limitations and challenges in the supply chain process.
  • Storing data manually made it difficult to efficiently track and analyze procurement operations, supplier quality, and buyer performance.
  • The client faced difficulties in accessing real-time and accurate data, which hindered their ability to make informed decisions.
  • Our client was in search of a robust, comprehensive data solution to analyze their buyer’s performance on the basis of 4 pillars: Quality, productivity, resilience, and sustainability.

Our Solution

Data Engineering :
  • Implemented a robust data management system to centralize and consolidate procurement data.
  • Generated data-driven recommendations and insights for buyers and managers(suppliers).
  • Analyzed historical data to identify patterns, trends, and opportunities for process optimization.
  • Designed and deployed an appropriate database structure to organize and process the data effectively.
Data Visualization :
  • We developed a comprehensive Tableau dashboards that provided real-time visibility into key procurement operations metrics.
  • Integrated data from various scattered sources, including purchase orders, supplier performance evaluations, and quality inspection reports.
  • Our experts created interactive visualization reports to enable easy exploration and analysis of buyers’ performance and analyzed their quality, productivity, resilience, and sustainability rate.
Monitoring and Automation :
  • Measured the time taken from order placement to delivery for each supplier and identified suppliers with extended lead times, enabling proactive management of delays.
  • Calculated the quality performance of suppliers by measuring the number of defects per one million raw materials procured.
  • Utilized advanced analytics and automation to monitor and control energy usage in real-time, identifying areas for improvement and implementing energy-saving measures.

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Business Impact

Monitoring and Automation :
  • Our solutions were able to reduce the lead time by 13%, resulting in faster order fulfillment and improved customer satisfaction.
  • Achieved a 12% improvement in procurement process efficiency, streamlining operations and reducing cycle times.
  • Decreased Defects Per Million (DPM) by 20%, resulting in higher product quality and reduced rework costs.
Enhanced buyer performance :
  • Empowered buyers with real-time access to performance metrics and actionable insights generated from the Tableau dashboard, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.
  • Increased buyer productivity by 15% through targeted performance improvement initiatives and training.
Strengthened supplier management :
  • Identified high-performing suppliers based on quality and delivery metrics, fostering strategic supplier relationships.
  • Improved supplier collaboration and communication, leading to better negotiation outcomes and cost savings by 11% per year.

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