Data Engineering Services vs Warehousing vs Analytics: Pick Your Data Strategy

With data becoming a crucial part of the global industry, it is essential to unlock its full potential to boost your business. Here, we’ll discuss data engineering services, data warehousing, and data analytics to help determine the best choice. Data is the key to a successful business. Instead of storing the data in outdated setups like silos, you can create a central data repository and allow employees restricted access to the datasets. This makes it easier to use the business data for analytics and insights. Employees at all levels can make data-driven decisions by accessing the insights through their dashboards.  Data analytics, data warehousing, and data engineering are different yet interlinked concepts used to streamline data collection, storage, and analysis in an enterprise. Statistics show that the global big data and data engineering market is expected to be $75.55 billion in 2024 and predicted to reach $169.9 billion by 2029 at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 17.6%.  However, you may have questions about which service to use for your business. Should you hire data engineering services, or will it be enough to pay for third-party or embedded data analytics solutions? Where does data warehousing fit into the grand scheme of things?  Let’s find out in this blog.  Is Data Warehousing the Same as Data Analytics? A data warehouse is a central repository or a large database containing massive amounts of business-related data. It can be built on-premises or on the cloud platform. A data warehouse is connected to several internal and external sources as well as third-party applications like business intelligence tools, data analytical dashboards, etc. Data warehousing services include setting up the repository, building data pipelines, streamlining data flow, maintaining the database, and periodically upgrading the systems.  Data analytics is the process of converting raw data into actionable insights to make data-driven decisions. It helps see the hidden patterns, trends, and correlations in historical and present datasets. The insights derived are shared with end-users (employees) via data visualization dashboards. Data analytics help shape business processes to deliver better results while consuming fewer resources. It can be used to understand market trends, customer behavior, product performance, employee productivity, etc., and make the necessary changes to achieve business goals. In short, data warehousing is not the same as data analytics. While the data warehouse is used to store and clean data, analytical tools help to understand what the data means and how it can help empower the business. Creating a synergy between data warehouse and data analytics will certainly give you the best results.  So, what is the difference between a Data Warehouse Engineer and a Data Analyst? A data warehouse engineer is responsible for managing the entire development lifecycle of a data warehouse. It is a backend process that includes many activities, such as building the warehouse, system connections, ETL, performance management, resource management, dimensional design, etc. A data warehouse engineer works with data scientists, data analysts, and data engineers to ensure the data flow is smooth and seamless across the enterprise.  A data analyst uses the data stored in data warehouses and data lakes to review the information, detect patterns, and identify key insights useful for the business. The primary responsibility of a data analyst is to find solutions for various business problems by analyzing historical and real-time data and sharing insights with decision-makers. The data analyst has to collaborate with data warehouse engineers, software developers, and data scientists to run the data-driven model without interruptions or errors.  What are Data Engineering Services?  Data engineering encompasses various processes like data collection, data storage, data cleaning, and data analysis for large amounts of raw, structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. It allows data scientists and data analysts to derive in-depth insights using various statistical and analytical methods. Data engineering also includes ensuring that the quality of the datasets is high to prevent inaccurate insights.  Data engineering services cover a broader area and include many responsibilities. For example, it can also include data warehousing solutions or a part of the warehousing processes. Typically, data engineering involves the following activities:  So, do data engineers do data warehousing? Yes. Data engineers play a role in designing, developing, and maintaining the data warehouse and its connections. However, note that data warehousing services are only a part of data engineering responsibilities. The top data engineering companies provide end-to-end services, right from planning the strategy to maintaining and upgrading the relevant systems, tools, and processes in your business. Data engineers collaborate with other experts like software developers, data warehouse engineers, data scientists, and data analysts to create a robust data model in the enterprise.  Which is Better: Data Analytics or Data Engineering? Despite the overlap in some processes and data being the common factor, there are quite a few differences between data analytics and data engineering services.  A business can invest in data analytical tools and derive insights to make important decisions. It can partner with a data analytics company to get embedded analytics through customized dashboards without setting up the IT infrastructure in the enterprise. Data analytics as a service is a cloud-based solution where third-party companies handle most of the backend work and share insights and reports with businesses.  Data engineering is much more complex and extensive than data analytics. Data engineering consulting companies build data pipelines, set up system integrations, build data warehouses/ data lakes, connect the necessary data analytics and business intelligence tools, and maintain proper data flow across the IT infrastructure. Programming, database management, and cloud computing are part of the services.  In today’s competitive scenario, investing in data engineering services is a better option than limiting your business to data analytics. This empowers you to unlock the full potential of data and gain an edge over competitors. It also keeps you one step ahead and capable of making proactive decisions to grab market opportunities or avoid pitfalls.  Data Engineering Services vs. Data Warehousing vs. Data Analytics As you can see, the three aspects are different but interconnected on

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How to Scale Your Startup With Managed Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the process of collecting, storing, and analyzing large datasets to derive actionable insights in real-time. Here, we’ll discuss the role of managed data analytics in scaling a startup and the benefits of adopting the data-driven model for decision-making. Startups usually begin on a small scale and expand over the years. However, scaling a startup is easier said than done. As per a study by the Kauffman Foundation, just one startup in every ten scales is successful. That’s when startups are worth $1215 billion in 2024, and the value of unicorns around the globe is estimated to be $4.3 trillion.  So how do you scale your startup and ensure success in 2024 and beyond?  Managed data analytics and artificial intelligence are the answers. Startups need to be proactive and take advantage of the data and technologies available in the market to establish themselves. Instead of following conventions and orthodox business models, startups should adopt data-driven models and advanced tools (cloud solutions, AI, ML, etc.) to reduce the risk of failure. Fortunately, plenty of third-party companies offer onshore, near-shore, and offshore managed analytics services tailored to suit the business requirements.  In this blog, we’ll read more about how to successfully scale a startup by investing in data analytics and the benefits of using managed analytics in a new business. How do You Scale up Your Startup?  Scaling a business is the process of growing or expanding the operations, products and services, market share, customer base, and returns. Startups scale to invite more customers which brings higher revenue and creates a brand image in the market. However, scalability can be limited to one or specific avenues as well. Not every startup scales all aspects together.  Typically, you can scale a startup in any of the following ways:  What is an example of a Scalable Startup? Is Managed Data Analytics Involved? Facebook, Twitter (now X), and Amazon are great examples of a scalable startup. These started as small companies run by the entrepreneur and a couple of friends or team members. Over the years, Amazon has become the number one international marketplace and Facebook is one of the tech giants. They heavily invested in business analytics (gradually) to make decisions backed by data and insights. This allowed them to quickly adapt to the changing market conditions and gain a competitive edge. How do Startups Use Managed Data Analytics? Startups cannot underestimate the importance of data analytics in modern times. From streamlining internal processes to increasing customer satisfaction, analytics can be helpful in several ways. It converts raw data from multiple sources into actionable insights that employees can access to complete daily tasks more effectively.  Understand Target Markets  Startups don’t have the luxury of taking major risks or investing all the money into a project without basic research. Nine out of ten startups fail and shut shop in less than a decade. This can be due to lack of funds, incorrect investments, wrong decisions, etc. Understanding the target market conditions can reduce the risk of losses and keep the business afloat. For this, you can rely on data analytics to process the datasets related to the market and derive meaningful insights. Third-party companies offer managed analytics solutions and embedded analytics to provide real-time insights whenever you need them.  Analyze Customer Behavior  Customer feedback is vital for every business, and startups need it more than ever. However, you cannot afford to spend your time and resources on manually analyzing this feedback. Data analytics simplifies the process by using powerful tools and sharing the reports through data visualization dashboards. Platforms like Power BI, Tableau, etc., are popular data analytics tools that can be integrated with various input and output systems to provide insights 24*7.  Evaluate Competitors  How else do startups use data analytics to grow their business? Managed data analytics is not limited to analyzing the internal aspects of a business. You can use public data to determine who your competitors are and how they are faring in the market. This helps in identifying weak areas in your startup and strengthening them to survive the competition. Similarly, you can track the performance of your competitors and identify growth patterns to plan your strategies accordingly.  Improve Products and Services  Startups face severe competition from existing and new businesses. This means you have to continuously tweak your products and services to increase sales and bring more customers. Data analytics helps by highlighting the purchase patterns and preferences for your offerings and in the market. It provides information about what customers like and how you can improve your products and services to generate more sales or get the desired number of subscriptions.  Streamline Internal Operations  As a startup, you don’t have access to unlimited funds. You need to make some strict decisions about where to invest, what to prioritize, etc. In such instances, managed data analytics can help by identifying processes or steps that consume excess resources but are not necessary for the business. You can shorten the cycles, automate recurring tasks, and trim areas without compromising quality. It also helps in negotiating better deals with suppliers, storing your inventory carefully to reduce wastage, increasing or decreasing production/ procurement to align with the market demand, etc.  Increase Conversion Rate  Marketing is another area where data management services and analytics can help your startup. A new business has to invest in offline and online marketing campaigns to reach the target audience. Generating leads is one aspect, and converting them into sales is another. Startups tend to have a hard time converting leads to sales. Data analytics can be used to create a marketing strategy that suits customer preferences. Identifying the right kind of audience and sending the right message to the right customer at the right time through the right channel is possible when you use data analytics.  Identify More Avenues for Revenue  Revenue cycle analytics gives startups in the healthcare and finance industries a clear idea to streamline their revenue generation avenues. It tracks every step

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From ETL to ELT: Evolving Data Integration Practices 

What it really took for us to transform from ETL(Extract, Transform, and Load) to ELT(Extract, Load, Transform). This article covers the foundational and evolving data integration practices among enterprises. Introduction Businesses are generating data at an accelerated pace now; there’s no stopping it, and there never will be. Consider a large retail chain trying to keep track of customer preferences, a manufacturing firm managing procurement data, or a financial institution handling client information—all in real time. The challenge? Making sense of this massive amount of data from multiple sources quickly enough to make informed decisions in a given duration, be it a project deadline, a product launch, or a client collaboration. Traditional data processing methods, like Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL), are struggling to keep up with the volume, velocity, and variety of today’s data bulk. But there’s something new and advanced in town—one that’s transforming how businesses approach data integration: Enter ELT (Extract, Load, Transform). Seems like just a word shift, but this orientation leads to a higher impact for any enterprise out there- Yes, yours too! Visiting the Past – What’s ETL? To simplify, ETL or Extract Transform Load is a data integration process that involves extracting data from various sources, transforming it into a suitable format(arranging it), and loading it into a target data warehouse or data hub. As the name suggests, it involves: Extract: This phase involves retrieving data from disparate sources such as databases, flat files, or APIs. Transform: Data is cleaned, standardized, aggregated, and manipulated to meet business requirements. This includes data cleansing, formatting, calculations, and data enrichment. Load: The transformed data is transferred into the target system, often a data warehouse, for analysis and reporting. ETL processes are critical for building data warehouses and enabling business intelligence and advanced analytics capabilities. What’s New – Defining ELT! ELT is a data integration process where raw data is extracted from various sources and loaded into a data lake or data warehouse without immediate transformation(that’s done later). The data is transformed only when needed for specific analysis or reporting. As the name suggests, it involves: Extract: Data is pulled from disparate sources. Load: Raw data is stored in a data lake or data warehouse in its original format. Transform: Data is transformed and processed as needed for specific queries or reports. This approach uses cloud computing and big data technologies to handle large volumes of data efficiently and at the right time. ELT is often associated with cloud-based data warehousing and big data analytics platforms. The Shift from ETL to ELT: Evolving Data Integration The shift from ETL to ELT represents more than just a change in process—it’s a fundamental shift in how businesses handle their data. Data analytics companies understand that the future is digital, and staying a step ahead requires not just adapting to new technologies, but leading the way. Our mission is to help businesses like yours use the power of data, ensuring that every data point contributes to your business sustainability.  For decades, ETL has been the front face of data integration. As explained above, the process involves extracting data from various sources, transforming it into a suitable format, and then loading it into a data warehouse or other system for analysis. While ETL has served us well, it comes with significant limitations.  Real-World Applications of ELT It’s quite surprising to see the quick change in process and the prioritisation of activities, with ELT making a difference in every industry. It suits workflows, adapting to the types of activities involved, and enhancing overall efficiency. Retail A global retail chain uses ELT to process massive amounts of transactional data daily. By loading data first, they can quickly analyze purchasing patterns and optimize inventory in near real-time. Finance In the financial sector, ELT enables institutions to load raw transaction data into a data lake and then perform complex risk assessments and fraud detection, ensuring compliance with changing regulations. Healthcare Healthcare organizations use ELT to handle patient records, lab results, and treatment data. This allows for more timely insights into patient care and operational efficiency. As Ankush Sharma, CEO of DataToBiz, mentions, “We’re not just in the business of delivering solutions—we’re in the business of building futures. With the shift to ELT, we’re enabling our clients to turn every data point into a strategic advantage, without a hefty investment. Overcoming Challenges in ELT Implementation While ELT offers many benefits, it also presents challenges such as ensuring data quality, maintaining security, and managing performance. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate insights sometimes while loading raw data into a central repository before transformation can raise security concerns.  To overcome these hurdles, it’s important to implement strong data governance, enforce security protocols, partner with analytics firms, and optimize your data architecture. In the meantime, trends like data virtualization, AI-powered pipelines, and cloud-native platforms will continue to shape the future. The Future of Data Integration Practices: Beyond ELT Data transformation technologies are never at rest! As data integration continues to evolve, new trends are emerging that promise to further transform the landscape: Data Virtualization This approach allows businesses to access and query data from multiple sources without the need to move or replicate it. AI-Backed Data Pipelines AI is increasingly being used to automate data integration processes, making them more efficient and less prone to error. Cloud-Native Data Platforms As more businesses move to the cloud, the demand for platforms designed specifically for cloud environments will continue to grow. Conclusion The shift from ETL to ELT marks an evolution in how businesses approach data integration. Using this new model, companies can achieve greater agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency—all while aligning with the broader trends shaping the future of data. All we can help with is guiding you through this transformation, helping you turn every data point into a strategic asset.  Ready to explore how ELT can sustain your digital future? Let’s start the conversation. Fact checked by –Akansha Rani ~ Content Creator & Copy Writer

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Why Managed Analytics Services Matter – Top 11 Benefits You Must Be Aware Of!

Managed analytics services enhance customer insights and provide real-time data-driven insights. Businesses with strong analytics capabilities see 2x higher performance and 30% annual growth. Leveraging these services, companies can optimize operations, and gain a competitive edge through specialized expertise. Digital transformation is advancing and this goes hand in hand with the need to engage data in decision-making processes. Additionally, the complexity of the technology landscape is also growing significantly with the advent of Industrial Revolution 4.0. So, to ensure businesses have 24×7 access to analytical data, businesses are looking forward to Managed Analytics Services, for seamless operations. However, from a business perspective, managed analytics services come with a cost along with your internal team. Does the cost justify the benefits? Do managed analytics services actually add value to the business? Let’s find out! In this blog, we’ll focus on Managed Analytics Services and the benefits they reap for the organization. But before, we need to understand, what exactly is managed analytics services. What Are Managed Analytics Services? Managed analytics services provide an end-to-end data analysis and intelligence service that makes data useful for business decisions. This is far better than following the limitations of hiring data science experts and dealing with technical issues. This approach features an already validated and readily available data architecture and automation to add to ongoing training and tutorials from data professionals. As the name suggests, it is self-service oriented in terms of a business and its stakeholders, resulting in a lower TCO (Total cost of ownership). Unlike the common approach of assembling internal data teams and then starting rigid implementations, managed analytics services are the end-to-end solutions. These services offer capabilities ranging from data aggregation, process integration, and cloud data storage as well as processing up to sophisticated analytical work as well as data visualization and reporting in an interface-based format. Features of Managed Analytics Services It is critical to note that nearly 85% of data analytics projects do not succeed. One of the primary reasons is that the organization does not have a clear data strategy in place. The continued partnership with managed analytics services providers guarantees that all data assets are useful and Davis’ strategy is optimal. Benefits of Leveraging Managed Analytics Services Before investing in managed data analytics, it’s essential to evaluate if data analytics is suitable for your company. For many organizations, properly implemented management data analytics yields a significant return on investment.   According to Forrester, companies that invest in data analytics experience an annual growth rate of 30%, compared to an average of 3% for other organizations. Transforming into an insights-driven business offers numerous clear and measurable advantages. 1. Enhancing Customer Insights Managed Analytics Services helps in tracking customer interactions and provides a comprehensive view of who they are and how well their needs are met. Product managers use data analytics in several ways: Bain & Company’s research shows that companies with superior analytical capabilities are 2x as likely to be top financial performers. This approach ensures better business decisions and outcomes. 2. Easy to Scale at Large Few businesses can justify the significant expense of building their own data teams from scratch, which averages around $520,000 annually. Moreover, smaller enterprises, including startups and scaleups, often don’t require a full team of full-time data engineers, analysts, and report developers. Nevertheless, these businesses still need to scale and adapt to dynamic market conditions and evolving needs. Thankfully, the on-demand nature of today’s service economy makes managed analytics services an ideal solution to overcome the challenges (and risks) associated with scaling – without excessive costs. By accessing expertise and resources on demand, businesses can enhance their agility in developing data capabilities. 3. Stay Ahead of the Curve Bring some realization to today’s fast-paced business environment the opportunities that a firm has must be grabbed to remain a force to reckon with. However, decisions where time is important like the following; Price discounts, and new product releases among others are quite risky. Decisions made have to be accurate and as well made in good time. Through outsourcing and applying a managed services team to the process of data analytics, businesses can obtain almost real-time results. More frequently, it is the speed to insight that matters. The dawn of an empowered marketing team is hampered by no time for manual spreadsheet analysis, report compilation, and meetings to debate over metric definitions. Fortunately, a modern business analytics solution will be able to avoid such bottlenecks. 4. Cost Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement The most important current objective of managed services from a finance perspective is cost control, but data analytics help to find more resources that can be cut down than might have been detected through other means. So, by using big data reflecting the pricing strategies of suppliers’ historical negotiation results or the current market situation of the commodity, many organizations across the globe can obtain more beneficial purchasing agreements, look for cheaper substitutes, and use their available resources effectively. 5. Enhances the Core Competencies Every company today relies on technology, but this shouldn’t detract from focusing on core strengths. Businesses must ensure technology serves their goals without overwhelming their teams. Managed analytics services are designed to alleviate the burden on in-house IT teams, cutting costs and reducing dependency. Specifically, managed data services handle the complexities of setting up data analytics systems tailored to your needs. This includes deploying cloud warehousing infrastructure and creating secure, interactive dashboards that provide essential insights. This approach eliminates the need for hiring expensive, niche skill sets, allowing businesses to concentrate on their primary competencies. 6. Informed Decision Making Every day you and your team make a myriad of decisions; from how to respond to an email to a major strategic choice. These decisions may be small, some may be major. There are primary and secondary approaches that are conventional and some of them are tactical and innovative. Frequently, information that could promote effective results is stored in the diverse databases of the business applications your organization employs. Bain

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A Comprehensive Guide to Revenue Cycle Analytics- All You Need to Know

Revenue cycle analytics is the process of analyzing the revenue cycle data to derive actionable insights for decision-making. Here, we’ll discuss the role of data analytics in revenue cycle management and how it can help a business generate more revenue and become successful. Revenue is one of the core factors a business should consider. After all, how long can an establishment function if it doesn’t generate income while incurring expenditure? Many organizations have processes set for revenue cycle management to determine their finances and returns. Reports show that the revenue cycle management market is expected to touch $1.209 trillion by 2030. Additionally, statistics show that the global big data market is expected to reach $90 billion by 2025 and $103 billion by 2027. Almost every industry is investing in big data analytics and business intelligence tools to derive real-time insights and streamline its businesses.  But what is a revenue cycle? What role does revenue cycle analytics play in an organization? How can a business effectively use business analytics and big data to derive advanced analytical insights from revenue cycles?  Let’s find out in this blog!  What is Revenue Cycle Analytics?  Revenue cycle analytics is the process of analyzing the revenue streams of your business to identify weak areas and find suitable solutions to address them. The aim is to effectively increase the business income and optimize the entire revenue generation process by relying on meaningful insights derived from analyzing large amounts of business data. You can use several data points and parameters to track, measure, and analyze the revenue cycle in your organization. What is a Revenue Cycle Analyst?  A revenue cycle analyst is the person who is responsible for optimizing the revenue cycle in your business. Their responsibilities include the following:  The analyst has to determine and track various revenue cycle metrics, share the reports with decision-makers, offer actionable recommendations, and assist the top management in making efficient and proactive decisions to boost business revenue. Typically, businesses look for data analysts with experience in the finance and accounting industries, as well as economics and statistics.  What is the Revenue Cycle Process? A revenue cycle contains multiple recurring steps necessary to complete an accounting process to record the revenue generated by the business. This involves tracking transactions like sales, returns, claims, offers, etc.  Revenue cycle assessment helps establish financial stability in your business and find more ways for growth. It can boost your revenue and profits by evaluating various business processes and offering insights about how to increase overall efficiency. It also has a role in enhancing customer satisfaction with your business.  The revenue cycle process starts with the order placed by a customer and ends when the payment is received. It repeats for every order by every customer. The following are the elements found in the revenue cycle process:  Why Use Data Analytics in Revenue Analysis? Revenue analysis is done by the finance and accounting department to help your business make correct investment decisions. However, traditional methods are time-consuming and have certain limitations. By using data analytics, you can take advantage of the latest technology to streamline and automate the analysis of revenue. This saves time and provides real-time insights to decision-makers in different departments and all verticals.  Reduce Costs  One of the main reasons for using data analytics for revenue management is the cost. Every business wants to cut costs and find ways to generate more returns from the investment. Analytics derives insights by analyzing large datasets in a quick time. It can provide reports about which areas to work on and how to plug the leaks to prevent revenue drain.  Enhance Revenue  While reducing costs is vital, increasing your revenue is equally important. Wouldn’t it be beneficial if you could find more revenue sources for your business? This can lead to greater profits. Revenue cycle analytics can identify ways to generate more revenue. Moreover, the analytics run continuously, allowing you to regularly improve your financial position.  Improve Cash Flow  When you analyze historical data using advanced tools, you can uncover trends/patterns and correlations that cannot be detected through traditional methods. This provides a clearer picture of the cash inflow and outflow channels. You can forecast the requirements in advance and plan accordingly to prevent last-minute roadblocks.  Determine the Price  How do you set the pricing for your products and services? Many factors come into the picture, like competitors’ rates, industry standards, your investments, time taken, resources consumed, quality, etc., by using data analytics to manage the revenue cycle, you can accurately price your offerings and bring more flexibility and transparency to the entire process.  Streamline Internal Processes Revenue cycle analytics is not limited to making financial decisions. It can also help streamline other internal processes to increase overall efficiency and performance. For example, automation is a great investment choice and gives high returns. It can be implemented in all departments to save time and allow employees to focus on the core aspects of the job.  Prevent Revenue Leaks  Revenue leaks are a concern for many businesses. Missed payments, extra charges, fines, dues, double orders, cancelations, etc., can drain your revenue over time. While the payments may be small, they add up and can impact your revenue. Revenue cycle management analytics helps identify such leaks and can plug them into by automating workflows.  Risk Mitigation  Financial decisions are always considered a risk. Additionally, fraudulent transactions, false claims, and other issues can lead to losses. By analyzing revenue cycles using data analytics and business intelligence tools, you can find effective means to minimize such risks. Moreover, by partnering with reputed managed analytics service providers, you can ensure you comply with the industry and regional standards/ regulations. How Can Big Data Analytics be Used in the Revenue Cycle? Big data analytics in the revenue cycle can help your business in many ways.  Streamline Claims The insurance and healthcare industries often deal with claims which are complicated, confusing, and stressful. The procedure can be simplified and streamlined through data analytics

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7 Analytics as a Service Firms To Watch Out For In 2024

Data and analytics as a service play a vital role in today’s world. Businesses require managed analytics services to achieve their goals efficiently. Here, we will discuss the role of data analytics in a business and the top analytics as a service (AaaS) firms to partner with in 2024. Businesses in today’s world need to utilize their data to derive insights and make efficient decisions. Small, medium, and large businesses from different industries can benefit from investing in managed data analytics. However, not all of them want to build the analytical models from scratch or make major changes to the systems on the premises. Analytics as a Service(AaaS) or managed data analytics is the best solution for such organizations. They can quickly access the analytical tools and reports through cloud platforms and derive real-time insights.  According to Statista, the analytics as a service (AaaS) market is estimated to be $69 billion by 2028. Another report says that the increasing adoption of AaaS solutions will take the market share to $85.1 billion by 2032 and cross $110 billion by 2034. AaaS is a kind of managed analytics service offered by third-party service providers. In this blog, we’ll read more about data analytics as a service and which firms offer these services to businesses from around the globe. What is Analytics as a Service? Analytics as a Service or managed analytics is a cloud solution where third-party providers offer data analytics services through cloud platforms. For example, suppose you want to analyze your business data. In that case, you can partner with an AaaS provider who will take care of the entire process from end to end and share the final reports (data visualizations) with your employees. This is done by personalizing the dashboards and connecting them to cloud analytics tools.  Here, you pay only for the resources you consume for your business. There is no need to make heavy investments to buy the software or develop new processes in your enterprise. Data analytics managed services can be quickly set up by the service providers based on your requirements.  What is Analytics in SaaS? Software as a Service (SaaS) has been helping many business enterprises unlock the full potential of their data to derive meaningful insights. Analytics in SaaS refers to analytics as a service. It includes several processes like data collection, data storage, data cleaning, data analytics, and data visualization. You can track various KPIs like inventory, production, customer behavior, sales, accounts, conversion rate, customer LTV (lifetime value), churn rate, etc. Analytics in SaaS can also be termed managed analytics. Simply put, you rely on a third party to provide the necessary insights and pay accordingly. 7 Top Analytics as a Service Firms To Partner In 2024 1. DataToBiz DataToBiz is an end-to-end digital transformation and AI company offering tailored data & analytics managed services to SMBs, MSMEs, and large enterprises from various industries. The company provides analytics as a service through a tried and tested customer-centric approach. It helps businesses understand the gaps in their processes and find robust methods to strengthen the weak areas.  Businesses could enhance customer satisfaction by 99% and make 3x timely decisions by partnering with DataToBiz to streamline their data and analytical models. The award-winning company offers a range of solutions like big data, data warehousing, data lake, data architecture, data engineering, data governance, AI and ML adoption, cloud computing, and long-term maintenance. The company is a certified partner of Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and AWS.  2. Infosys  Infosys is a leading consulting company offering analytics managed services to various clients from around the world. It is a digital transformation service provider that helps businesses accelerate growth, build a connected ecosystem, and become efficient.  The company brings flexibility and scalability to the organization by delivering data and insights in real time. It also offers self-servicing solutions and advanced analytics in industries like manufacturing, IT, healthcare, oil & gas, agriculture, retail, travel, and many more. Infosys customizes the solutions to suit the client’s requirements. It is an effective analytics as a service provider for large establishments.  3. Accenture  Accenture is a global consulting company with numerous clients from the Fortune 500 list. It offers customized managed analytics services to help businesses revamp their outdated systems and benefit from data-driven models. The company promotes the adoption of artificial intelligence to give enterprises an edge over competitors. It offers varied data services to enhance speed, scale, and innovation.  Accenture provides 360-degree value to businesses by helping them embrace change to adopt the latest technological solutions. The company’s data analytics services and cloud-based analytics as a service solutions are designed to support enterprises unlock the full data potential and make decisions using real-time insights.  4. Deloitte  Deloitte is a group of firms offering varied services to business organizations from around the globe. It specializes in tax consulting, IT services, and analytical solutions. The company’s strategy and analytics services are aimed at helping businesses leverage proprietary solutions for greater agility. It combines the power of AI and managed analytics to provide automated insights through customized dashboards.  Deloitte also offers DataOps services to facilitate seamless digital transformation. The company works towards making businesses sustainable by creating a long-term strategy and providing continuous support to implement it. The company has many clients from the Fortune 500 list and works with the world’s leading brands from various industries. Its analytics as a service model helps many businesses from different industries to unlock the potential of their data.  5. TCS Tata Consultancy Services is a global business process transformation company offering diverse services to small, medium, and large enterprises. The company boosts business performance with accelerated analytics managed services. It helps clients use analytical insights for product development, enhancing customer satisfaction, and achieving business goals.  TCS follows a four-fold approach for data management, automation, scalability, and cloud management. It creates a robust data ecosystem for businesses to tap into the unexplored potential and gain competitive advantage. The company sets up embedded analytics through analytics

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Business Analytics Solutions- Key to Enterprise Growth in 2024

Managed data analytics provides comprehensive, actionable, and real-time insights for data-driven decision-making. Here, we’ll discuss the need for business analytics solutions in SMBs and large enterprises and how analytics can help an organization become successful.  Business and managed data analytics solutions are now widely implemented by many business organizations and enterprises from different industries. These help companies effectively use their data to discover patterns, trends, and potential market opportunities and risks. Businesses can solve various problems by using these insights and making data-driven decisions.  Statistics show that the global business intelligence market is expected to touch $54.27 billion by 2030, while the BI platform market is likely to reach $45.2 billion by the same year. Almost 50% of organizations have increased the role of business analytics compared to the pre-pandemic rate. Moreover, 33% of large enterprises have employed analysts and partnered with managed analytics companies to integrate data-driven decision-making in their establishments.  There’s no denying that business analytics is the key for companies to grow in today’s market. Let’s read more about what it means, the tools used for business analytics, and how it can boost your business.  What is a Business Analytics Solution?   Business analytics is a set of statistical methodologies and computing technologies used for mining, processing, analyzing, and visualizing data to discover patterns, identify threats and opportunities, forecast future customer demands, and make intelligent decisions in real time.  Organizations use proprietary business data and datasets from public domains (or paid databases) to run analytics and derive meaningful insights. SMBs and large enterprises work with third-party offshore companies to access managed data analytics services for cost-effective pricing.  Business analytics solutions help streamline internal processes, adopt advanced technologies, reduce costs, optimize the use of resources, and gain a competitive edge in the markets.  What Are The 4 Types of Business Analytics? Generally, there are four types of business analytics methodologies often used to derive varied insights from data.  Descriptive analytics describes the information derived from historical datasets. It shows the company’s position for a given period.  Predictive analytics is focused on the future. It predicts the outcomes for a future period by analyzing data from the past to identify recurring trends and patterns.  Diagnostic analytics helps identify the root cause of a business problem by analyzing historical and real-time data. It provides answers to the what, why, how, etc.  Prescriptive analytics is helpful in decision-making as analyzes historical and current data to provide a basis for making future decisions to achieve the business goals.  Business Analytics Solutions Examples Managed Data analytics solutions have a diverse role in a business organization. From overcoming challenges to making strategic long-term decisions, expanding into new markets, increasing revenue, and enhancing customer satisfaction, analytical solutions can support your business on multiple levels. A few examples are listed below.  Customer Segmentation  Understanding your customers is the key to creating compelling marketing strategies, personalizing services, and developing better products. Business analytics can help in identifying and understanding customer behavior, purchase patterns, likes, dislikes, demographic trends, and so on. This allows the sales teams to segment customers into neat categories and create tailored campaigns for each.  Customer Experience Customer experience is vital for your business to thrive in competitive markets. Business analytics for small businesses provides the necessary insights to find different ways to improve customer experience by making changes to product features, services, etc. Analytics helps in getting a 360-degree view of customers and markets so that the decision-makers can stay one step ahead of others.  Better Products  Your products and services play a crucial role in determining your success. Regular upgrades and new features are necessary to keep customers happy. However, you need to know what your customers want before investing in product development. Business analytics helps by finding ways to improve your products and services to suit the changing market demands.  Price Optimization Managed analytics solutions are also helpful in developing a dynamic price model and optimizing the prices to attract more customers. Analyzing sales data will help identify the right price range to optimize profitability for your business. Since this has to be a continuous process, you can adjust the prices for the products and services based on market demand, competitor rates, short-term trends, etc.  Operational Efficiency Operational efficiency is another important aspect of a business. With the insights provided by business analytics, you can shorten production cycles, streamline supply chains, reduce costs, identify reliable suppliers, automate recurring tasks, and improve the efficiency of the product life cycle by eliminating unwanted steps.  Fraud Prevention  An organization faces risks from all directions. However, using business analytics solutions can help reduce the risk through preventive measures and tackle fraudulent transactions effectively. Sales data, customer data, financial and accounting data, etc., are analyzed to highlight weak areas and potential chances of fraud. Analytics is useful in uncovering what cannot otherwise be detected by the human mind.  Higher Sales Performance  The ultimate goal of a business is to generate more sales and increase profitability. This requires sales and customer analytics to align your products and services, marketing strategies, and sales campaigns with customer requirements. It helps take the right message to the right audiences at the right time and through the correct channel.  Benefits of Business Analytics Services Apart from the various business analytics examples discussed earlier, you can find other benefits of partnering with a managed analytics provider to strengthen your enterprise from the roots and make it future-proof.  Data-Driven Insights Businesses in today’s world cannot rely on guesswork alone to make critical decisions. Data analytics can analyze large amounts of historical and real-time data to provide valuable and actionable insights that help decision-makers at all levels. This promotes strategic business growth as every decision is based on data.  Competitive Edge  In competitive markets, you cannot ignore other businesses from the industry, no matter your position. Be it a small business or an established global brand, you will have competitors wanting to lure your customers and capture the market share. Business analytics tools and techniques help stay ahead of your competitors by identifying market gaps, assessing risks, and determining the right course of action.  Focus on Core Objectives  Drifting away from your core objectives can affect your success in the long term. This can happen when you

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11 Top Cloud Transformation Service Providers in the USA

Cloud technologies promote greater flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. Migrating the business processes to the cloud requires expert guidance. Here, we’ll discuss the top cloud transformation service providers in the US and how businesses navigate the ever-changing market.  There has been a growing demand for digital transformation cloud adoption in the last few years, with many SMBs, MSMEs, and large enterprises moving their business processes and data to various public and private cloud platforms. The businesses rely on top cloud transformation companies to create the strategy and implement the changes across the establishments. Cloud transformation enables businesses to host their IT infrastructure on secure cloud platforms and remotely backup data for easy access.  Statistics show that 96% of businesses use the public cloud, while 84% use the private cloud. Almost 80% of organizations use multiple public clouds, and 60% have admitted to using more than one private cloud. Moreover, global spending on cloud computing services is expected to be $679 billion this year and is estimated to reach $947.3 billion by 2026.  In this blog, we’ll read more about cloud migration and check out the cloud transformation companies list with leading service providers in the US. What is Cloud Transformation Service? Cloud transformation service is an end-to-end process of migrating data, applications, tools, frameworks, and software programs to a secure cloud platform. Instead of hosting the IT infrastructure on-premises, it will be built, scaled, customized, and upgraded on a remote cloud. This empowers the business to strengthen the security layers, easily access data from any location, encourage collaborations and remote working and quickly adopt new digital transformation technologies. It also facilitates faster development of AI and ML-based models to make data-driven decisions.  Which companies are moving to the cloud? Many well-known companies have invested heavily in digital cloud transformation to streamline processes and gain a competitive edge. For example, Apple, eBay, General Electric (GE), Netflix, Capital One, etc., have successfully adopted cloud solutions. What are the Three Biggest Cloud Provider Platforms? While there are many names on the cloud service providers list, the top three places have almost always belonged to the tech giants. Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure), and Google (Cloud) are the three biggest cloud provider platforms with a total global 66% market share. According to the reports, Amazon Web Services had a 31% market share in the last quarter of 2023, Azure had 24%, and Google had 11%.  So, what are the top 5 cloud companies? Alibaba Cloud was in fourth place with a 4% market share, and Salesforce was fifth with a 3% market share for the same period (2023 Q4). Popular companies like Oracle and IBM Cloud are also on the list.  11 Top Cloud Transformation Service Providers in the USA DataToBiz DataToBiz is among the best cloud transformation companies in the US, offering end-to-end solutions to migrate business systems to a cloud platform. It focuses on making a business more agile, efficient, and productive. The company offers short-term and long-term solutions after evaluating the current business position and future objectives. It is a certified partner of Microsoft, AWS, and Google, which enables the company to execute cloud transformation on multiple levels – application, infrastructure, data, business processes, and culture. It provides continuous support throughout the cloud transformation roadmap and is a long-term business partner for many leading organizations from different industries. Reduce costs, optimize business processes, and enhance customer experience with DataToBiz.  PwC PwC is a global company offering an array of cloud and digital transformation services. It helps businesses accelerate growth by empowering them with cloud technologies. The company transforms the business at various levels by giving the same importance to IT, processes, and people. It has years of experience and industry know-how to develop a business-first approach to cloud migration. As one of the top companies using cloud computing, PwC powers digital innovation. From developing the strategy to executing it and delivering the results, the company takes care of everything. It also handles cloud compliance and security solutions to keep business data safe from unauthorized access.  Deloitte Deloitte is a popular cloud transformation service provider with clients from different parts of the world. It works with medium and large enterprises to create new possibilities for business growth and make the most of market opportunities. The company provides access to the latest technology and talent to facilitate faster cloud migration and digital integration into the business. It focuses on transforming the organization’s vision into a competitive advantage. Engineering, innovation, and strategy are the three key aspects of the company’s services. Deloitte helps identify the critical areas in businesses and transforms them to future-proof the organizations’ processes.  Kyndryl Kyndryl is the world’s largest IT infrastructure provider, with clients from around the globe. It provides secure cloud digital transformation solutions and outcome-based modernization based on business requirements. The company takes a 360-degree approach to identify and solve the various challenges an organization faces in competitive markets. It implements modern security measures to safeguard business data while ensuring compliance, governance, and visibility. Kyndryl processes are user-friendly and promote the use of self-service models. It also specializes in hybrid cloud management to help businesses optimize cloud environments to achieve their goals and create more freedom when making decisions.  Persistent Persistent is a digital engineering and enterprise modernization company offering in-depth insights to provide answers to businesses even before they have asked the questions and to anticipate what’s next. From imagining new business models to increasing agility and reducing costs, the company uses IT infrastructure modernization as a tool to achieve various goals for clients. Its cloud and digital transformation services include strategy and design, intelligent automation, data security, enterprise integration, and more. The company offers hybrid and multi-cloud transformation along with Persistent Intelligent IT Operations (PiOps) by helping organizations choose the best cloud partner from its vast ecosystem.  Zymr Zymr is a software development and cloud service provider that aims to build healthier and sustainable digital ecosystems for businesses from different industries. It has certified AWS developers to migrate the organizations’ systems to cloud platforms and set up the necessary integrations. The company believes in futuristic vision strategies to promote the cloud-first approach and empower clients to be more innovative, scalable, and secure. It helps accelerate digital transformation through an agile plan made after analyzing the current position of the clients. Zymr combines

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Managed Services vs Staff Augmentation – What’s Right for your Business?

Managed services vs Staff augmentation? Both hiring models have potential, but which one suits your company’s needs better?  In this blog, we’ve covered everything you need to know – differences, benefits, and considerations that will help you make smart decisions about your IT hiring needs. According to Grand View Research, the global IT services outsourcing market size reached a valuation of USD 639.59 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8% from 2023 to 2030. Owing to this substantial demand for IT hiring needs, organizations are looking for ways to hire exceptional talent and reduce operational costs.  Hiring and sustaining experienced in-house teams is usually a long process, and consumes a lot of time, money, and effort. Plus, various bottlenecks impede the process. A better way is to outsource the current IT hiring needs to a third-party service provider. There are three models – staff augmentation, managed services, and project outsourcing. Each comes with its perks and drawbacks. In this blog, we will draw a comparison between managed services model vs staff augmentation to help you choose the best one for your organization.  Understanding Managed Services vs Staff Augmentation   What is staff augmentation? Staff augmentation is a hiring model that allows organizations to add professionals to their in-house teams for a specific project or address skill gaps.  This flexible hiring model helps them to get access to the best brains without promising any long-term commitment.  The IT staff augmentation companies offer services to help you hire experts who can handle large projects with relevant skills for a limited duration.  This approach is useful for businesses that have to have a global pool of talent and still have control over their projects. Types of IT Staff Augmentation Project-Based Staff Augmentation: Recruiting IT experts to work on a specific project for a definite time duration.  Skill-Based Staff Augmentation: Hiring IT professionals with specific skill sets, such as writing, design to address skill gaps.  Time-Based Staff Augmentation: Engaging IT staff to work for a set period. It could be long-term or short-term.  Hybrid Staff Augmentation: Combines multiple IT staff augmentation types to address skill needs.  Onshore Staff Augmentation: Hiring IT professionals within the organization’s country when frequent communication and collaboration are needed. Nearshore Staff Augmentation: Hiring IT experts from neighboring, usually with similar time zones and cultural backgrounds. Offshore Staff Augmentation: Employing IT professionals from various countries, with a considerable time difference. Dedicated Team Augmentation: Hiring a specialized development team with extensive experience and expertise that works dedicatedly for the organization. Advantages of IT Staff Augmentation What are Managed Services? Managed services enable organizations to outsource their business processes to third-party service providers for a longer period. Some of the main processes include backup recovery, cloud infrastructure maintenance, migration, security, and much more.  The managed services model is an appropriate choice if you are looking for support and maintenance for a longer period. While the MPS is controlling the outsourced functions, organizations can focus on their core business functions. How do managed analytics solutions work? Managed data analytics experts  perform the following steps to leverage data analytics:  Types of Managed Services Advantages of Managed Services Managed Services vs Staff Augmentation Determining which outsourcing model is right for your organization depends on your goals and objectives. Here’s a quick table that summarizes the differences between the two:    Aspect Managed Services Staff Augmentation Ideal for Long-term projects Short-term projects with low cost Control The MSP takes control over the entire IT operations. The staff augmentation company is responsible for offering specific resources for a decided time interval. Billing Billing is done on the basis of time spent on the project. Billing is done on a retainer basis. Risk Company or the client. Service Provider Engagement Model Fulltime. Service delivery is agreed upon according to Service levels. Full-time or part-time. No service levels. Cost According to service levels and outputs. According to availability and number of hours worked. Administration Service Provider Client Now let’s understand managed services vs staff augmentation in detail. Imagine your organization needs to expand your team. Which model will best align with your needs?  This depends on your business goals and focus area. Both staff augmentation and managed services have their virtues. Let’s explore them.   When to opt for staff augmentation? Staff augmentation is ideal for situations when you need immediate assistance or temporary support for an upcoming or ongoing project. It gives you entire control of the development process along with a strong sense of responsibility and accountability that managed services don’t offer when it comes to making crucial decisions. Ensure the resources you hire are experienced and hold extensive expertise.  Staff augmentation is the preferred option when: When to opt for Managed Services? If you are looking for highly experienced professionals who will take 100% responsibility for your all operations, hire a managed services provider. It is a viable option when:  Conclusion Managed services and staff augmentation enable organizations to scale their operations by availing expertise from trained professionals. Thus, it is essential to assess organizational needs, project duration, and level of control to decide between managed services vs staff augmentation. Since both models have their advantages and disadvantages, it is essential to consider them to select the best outsourcing approach.  Frequently Asked Questions What is the meaning of managed services?  Managed services refer to outsourcing IT-related tasks such as data backup and recovery, security, and help desk support to a third-party service provider. The service provider is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of all the processes, allowing the organization to focus on core activities.  What are staff augmentation services?  Staff augmentation services involve hiring temporary resources to fill short-term or contractual positions in an organization. It helps the companies to partner with IT staff augmentation companies to procure the top talent to accomplish their projects.   What  is the difference between a managed team and staff augmentation? A managed team is all about hiring an external service provider to manage specific functions

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11 Top Ecommerce Development Companies in India

Indian ecommerce businesses can achieve their goals and expand into newer markets by investing in digital technologies. We’ll discuss the best ecommerce development companies in India and their role in assisting merchants and retailers in adopting the digital-first approach. Ecommerce is a flourishing business industry in today’s world. With the right kind of ecommerce analytics services, you can take your business to new heights by making proactive data-driven decisions.  As per Forbes, the Indian ecommerce market is expected to be INR 4,416.68 billion in 2024 and is estimated to touch INR 7,591.94 by 2029 with an annual growth rate of 11.45%. Moreover, Boomers and Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X are active on the internet, doing their bit to drive the global online shopping rate. While the Millennials are likely to contribute around one-third of the total global social media shopping expenditure by 2025, Gen Z will contribute 29% and Gen Z 28%. The mobile ecommerce rate has also gone up to constitute 60% of the total ecommerce transactions.  Partnering with the best ecommerce development company in India can give the much-needed competitive edge and boost sales for your ecommerce business. Let’s find out more about the leading ecommerce development companies in the country.  What is an Ecommerce Development Company? An ecommerce development company is much more than a website builder. The company offers a diverse range of services, like strategy formation, technology adoption, third-party application development, customization, tracking ecommerce analytics trends, and long-term managed analytics solutions.  So, what is an ecommerce developer? In short, it is an end-to-end ecommerce analytics company that provides your business with the necessary support to effectively navigate the ever-changing digital markets within the country and around the globe. Indian ecommerce sites can streamline their products and services, improve operational efficiency, and amplify revenue(MRR) by hiring an ecommerce development company.  Top 11 Ecommerce Development Companies in India  DataToBiz DataToBiz is one of the top ecommerce development companies in India offering tailor-made and end-to-end managed analytics solutions in the industry. From strategizing to implementation and maintenance, the company provides an array of services based on your business requirements. Data warehousing for ecommerce data integration and management, business intelligence tools and dashboard implementation, real-time report sharing, etc., are some services offered by the company. DataToBiz is a certified partner of Microsoft, AWS, and Google Cloud. It has worked with many businesses in the digital commerce industry and has the expertise to develop data-driven decision-making models for varying specifications. The company specializes in working with diverse technologies to build a powerful and reliable analytics engine for establishments from various industries and sectors.  Mu Sigma  Mu Sigma is a data science and analytics solution provider that offers various business intelligence services. The company provides in-depth commerce sales analytics and builds intelligent customer experiences for retail and online sellers. It helps you with tailored solutions for effectively managing pricing, operations, promotions, order fulfillment, etc. The company’s AI-driven support enables ecommerce businesses to combine technology and traditional knowledge to become successful.  Fractal Analytics  Fractal Analytics is an AI analytical company with a presence in many industries. It is also one of the ecommerce development companies India with adaptive and scalable solutions like customer analytics, merchandise analytics, store operations analytics, supply chain analytics, and many more. The company combines data platforms, data governance, and business intelligence to promote better decision-making based on actionable insights. It has partnered with fifteen leading tech providers, like Microsoft, AWS, SAP, Oracle, etc., to provide comprehensive services to various clients.  Quantiphi Quantiphi is an award-winning AI analytics and digital engineering company that specializes in solving complex business problems through cloud and data engineering services. The company offers e-commerce analytics to help revolutionize the retail experience for businesses and customers. It helps completely re-design and transform the ecommerce business to unlock the power of data and analytics in growing your business. Customer behavior, omnichannel marketing, operational insights, churn prediction, etc., are some solutions provided by the company. It also emphasizes modernizing security and surveillance by building reliable AI and ML models for data engineering and governance.  Genpact Genpact is an ecommerce development company in India that offers innovative solutions for businesses to achieve their goals by adopting advanced technologies. The company uses generative AI and analytics to help retailers and online stores enhance customer experience, increase sales, and streamline the supply chain. It helps ecommerce businesses provide personalized experiences to the customers at every touchpoint and use data to understand their behavior, preferences, etc. The company works with small and medium ecommerce establishments and provides services for financial crime risk management, automation, etc.  Happiest Minds Technologies Happiest Minds Technologies is an IT company offering digital transformation services to clients from several industries. It helps retailers implement e-commerce category analytics, sales analytics, etc., to reduce operational costs, increase the conversion rate, and reduce cart abandonment to boost sales. From setting dynamic pricing to gain a competitive edge to personalizing user experience for customers, the company offers customized services to all businesses from the ecommerce industry. It also provides services like big data analytics, DevOps, omnichannel transformation, etc.  LatentView LatentView is a digital analytics and AI company offering end-to-end analytical services to help businesses gather meaningful insights from data and make more effective decisions in real time. It is an ecommerce development company India focusing on faster innovation, improving operations, and increasing business revenue. From forecasting sales demand to predicting customer needs, optimizing prices, and identifying seasonal trends for promotions, the company offers assistance to ecommerce businesses in many ways. It has developed a solution, AccuPromo to optimize retail promotions, inventory, and demand at any time.  Course5 Intelligence  Course5 is a transformative intelligence company offering pure-play data analytics to help businesses with digital transformation and AI adoption. The company’s services are designed to solve complex business problems by leveraging the latest technologies available in the market. It helps many ecommerce sites India to implement cloud, data engineering, and business intelligence technologies to overcome various challenges. The company builds reusable frameworks to provide long-term value to ecommerce and other businesses. Course5 Discovery is an augmented AI solution for ecommerce businesses to derive actionable insights about products, customers, market trends, etc.   Nihilent Analytics  Nihilent is a global data analytics consulting company with a presence in industries, such as retail, manufacturing, banking, etc. It is one of the ecommerce development companies helping traditional businesses transform their processes and take advantage of digital commerce to boost their revenue. The company

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